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East Kalimantan Border Agriculture Potential

Samarinda, 19/7/12. The potential for superior agriculture in the border area of ​​East Kalimantan has received serious attention from both the Central Government, 1._tim_prof_19_jul_12Provincial Government and Regency Government located in the border area, namely West Kutai Regency, Malinau Regency, and Nunukan Regency which includes 19 sub-districts that directly border Malaysia.

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government is paying serious attention to the East Kalimantan border area as expressed by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, DR.Ir. Rusmadi.MS "Excellent agriculture in border areas has enormous potential and is highly economical so serious attention is needed, both in terms of processing, management and marketing."

This was stated by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda when chairing a meeting with the Professor Team from the Agricultural Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, led directly by Prof. Husen Sawit as Research Director at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture with his entourage, including Prof. Suwandi; Prof. Decianto; and DR. Poang Abdullah in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Propeda meeting room Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Samarinda which was attended by approximately fifty participants.

The East Kalimantan border area has the potential for agricultural products that are well known among the upper classes or kingdoms in Malaysia and the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam, namely Adan rice which comes from the Krayan area. This rice is only suitable for planting in the Krayan area, it has been cultivated in Malaysia but the results are not the same as the original product from Krayan, as well as in other areas, both in Nunukan Regency and Malinau Regency.2._tim_prof_19_jul_12

Adan rice which comes from Krayan must be protected by the government for its existence, both the land and the area must be protected, as well as the local wisdom of the local community must be maintained to continue to protect the existence of Adan rice which has its own characteristics, said Professor Riyanto. Become one of the East Kalimantan Food Estate team when providing opinions.

Similar to the opinion of Prof. Ratna from Unmul Samarinda, who focuses more on agricultural potential in border areas, must have high economic potential, not only is the agricultural product suitable for the area of ​​origin but also has economic potential so that it has added value to the community, for example the agarwood plant, she said.

Meanwhile, the Border and Remote Areas Agency for East Kalimantan Province revealed that the potential for the agricultural sector in border areas, according to the results of a direct survey of border communities, has five advantages, namely first, rubber development. This can be realized because rubber trees, apart from easy planting and maintenance, yield the production is also long-lasting when compared to other products; both oil palm heads in accordance with the East Kalimantan government program which currently gives superior priority to oil palm; and thirdly the Cocoa plant, the results of this plant are mostly marketed in Malaysia; fourth Adan rice; Adan rice which has the largest market potential and very high economic value among the upper class citizens of Malaysia and Brunei Daerussalam but is not the main priority for border communities; and the final fifth superior product is caught fish and aquaculture. This is a priority because in border areas there is still a lack of results from the fisheries sector. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).


Photo : Meeting activities of the Research Professor Team of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency and the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture in the Propeda meeting room on the second floor of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Jl. Kusuma Nation of Samarinda. Doc. Sukandar, S. Sos