Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Maloy, Spirit of Challenge
Sangatta-Kutim, 26/7/12. span> "Maloy speed To be realized to be "challenge", construction
. As stated by Deputy Minister of Public Works, Hermanto Dardak, in a discussion on the development of the Maloy area, at the Royal Victoria Sangatta Hotel. The event which was a series of field visits was the Deputy Minister and his entourage was attended by the Ministry of Public Works' team, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, a member of the DPR-RI from East Kalimantan, as well as several investors who were interested in investing in the Industrial Estate and Maloy International Port.
Activities that are being carried out in the context of accelerating the development of Maloy in the 2012 FY are carried out by several SKPD Prov. East Kalimantan & Ministry according to their authority and Tupokan. Starting from the preparation of documents Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of 1000 ha of industrial estates, the preparation of the 4 Regional Strategic Area (KSP), the preparation of CPO Port DED, the preparation of the feasibility study of tank construction by the Ministry of Industry, as well as various The physical development of supporting infrastructure (especially the construction of access roads to the industrial area). Coordination between stakeholders is often done to avoid overlapping between these activities.
In order to realize Maloy into a Special Economic Zone (KEK), the Provincial Government is also actively coordinating and fulfilling conditions -Required Requirements. At present, Maloy is also proposed by one of the investors to become KEK. Related to this, the Provincial Government and prospective investors coordinate in order to be cloudy and there is no overlapping land or activities.
action plan concerning the substance of who is doing, must be considered well . Action Plan makes it easy to carry out the integration of activities carried out by many stakeholders. Land acquisition becomes main point which must be resolved immediately, both industrial estate land and land to build infrastructure. Infrastructure development must be active. Building infrastructure do not wait for the local area to develop. On the contrary, good infrastructure will encourage existing potential to grow and develop even better. At present the Ministry of Public Works continues to improve the condition of the access road to Maloy, especially the national road segments that become direct access to Maloy. In 2012, the Ministry of Public Works also gave more budget remaining (SAL) funds to the Maloy area to build a Kawsan access road along (12 km + 5) of Rp. 258 billion. In building infrastructure, do not just look at one area, but connections /connections with the area that has been running,
Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry provides advice, infrastructure development can be carried out based on the existence of the potential of raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to mapping potential raw material locations. Infrastructure development (especially access roads) can then be prioritized based on locations with the existence of the largest potential raw materials. In the case of promotions, it is also advisable to continue to promote/sell Maloy to investors. Promotion does not have to be done when the industrial area is realized perfectly. However, to promote Maloy, it must be ascertained and believed all will be completed, especially related to land acquisition.
Also present in this discussion, Ir. Hetifah SJ. Siswanda, MPP, PhD, Member of Commission V of the Indonesian Parliament. He stressed that the social impact that will arise must be considered. The impact includes how the residents' responses and behavior during the early stages of the Maloy area development, as well as how the future projections when Maloy had been realized. The number of workers entering, how the housing system for migrants and workers later, needs to be carefully thought out. LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; "> The business point of view cannot be separated from the attention of the provincial government in moving the construction of Maloy. Palm oil, is an ingredient that can be used all elements. Some inputs are given by the investor team that has been engaged in the palm oil industry. Maloy is a palm oil industry that is very possible to develop very rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the development for the next decades. Accessibility to the Maloy area both from land, sea and air dimensions, is something that is considered by investors to invest in Maloy. Suggestions are received by the Provincial Government to be further considered, both infrastructure problems, soil status mechanisms for investors, electricity, to waste and waste management. 10pt; "> The Deputy Minister of Public Works also attacked to all stakeholders in development Maloy to continue to try to make new breakthroughs to accelerate the realization of the Maloy area. Make special efforts, do not "business as usual", he said. Lisa Hasliana, M.Sc and Stella staff in the field of regional infrastructure & regional development and published Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos.