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TKPK Coordinating with the Community

Samarinda, 20/9/12. Reducing poverty is one of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's programs that receives serious attention in 1._Sekretaris_membuka_Raker_Coordination_Penanggulangan_Kemiskinan_TKPK_Prov_Kaltim_di_ruang_Pola_Dasar_20_sep_12poverty alleviation involving the Regency/City Government and all related parties, including stakeholders, the private sector and the community in the development programs and activities of East Kalimantan Province.

One ​​way to accelerate the community poverty alleviation program, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a Working Meeting of the East Kalimantan Province Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team (TKPK) in the Basic Pattern meeting room on the first floor of the Bappeda office East Kalimantan Province Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda which was opened by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si and accompanied by the Head of the Sub-Division of People's Welfare, Human Resources Development, Charmarijaty, ST and attended by approximately fifty participants consisting of related SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and related SKPDs within the Regency/Regency Government Cities throughout East Kalimantan.

Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si, in delivering his speech and at the same time opening the working meeting with the Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK) said "Coordination with the people of Kalimantan is very important in efforts to accelerate poverty alleviation or for people who are very vulnerable to poverty".

This is in line with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's program to continue to commit to handling poverty alleviation programs that are rightly targeted to people who really need them and poverty alleviation programs are in line with Government programs Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan and in accordance with the needs of local communities.

"There are three main pillars in poverty alleviation in accordance with the MP3KI(Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Poverty Reduction) program which is one of the programs that can make the Masterplan a success Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development include: first, the creation of a national social protection system that is able to protect society from vulnerability and shocks individually and in groups, second is increasing group livelihood capabilities the poor so that they can access the benefits of economic growth without disturbing environmental sustainability, and the third point is to ensure that basic needs are met in a fair, equitable and quality manner for poor groups and groups vulnerable to poverty." Secretary said.2.Sekretaris_opens_Raker_Coordination_Team_Poverty_Reduction_TKPK_Prov_Kaltim_di_ruang_Pola_Basic_20_sep_12

Regional Working Meeting Results

The implementation of the TKPK Working Meeting for East Kalimantan Province was in accordance with the results of the Regional Working Meeting which observed, among other things:

1. Provinces and Regencies/Cities should allocate special budgets in the APBD to support the operationalization of the functions of TKPKD institutions;

2. Increasing the capacity of the TKPKD Technical Team in planning budgeting for poverty alleviation programs and monitoring their implementation;

3. Strengthening data and information management systems to strengthen the basis for planning regional poverty reduction programs and setting targets;

4. Increased collaboration with other stakeholders, especially the private sector, to consolidate programs and mobilize funds for regional poverty reduction goals;

5. Increasing the role and function of TKPKD in control includes first controlling monitoring and evaluation of program groups by SKPD; secondly, preparation of periodic monitoring and evaluation results reports; and third, controlling the handling of public complaints.

The Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda advised that in order to accelerate the completion of the Regional Poverty Reduction Implementation Report (LP2KD), it is hoped that the SKPD within the Provincial and Regency/City Government as well as related institutions will immediately carry out monitoring and evaluate the implementation of activity programs related to poverty reduction programs implemented both through APBN and Provincial APBD funds by referring to the guidebook that has been distributed to meeting participants.

The results of monitoring and evaluation from related SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Governments throughout East Kalimantan can be submitted to the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda no later than September 26 2012 .

Says the Secretary when giving a speech and opening the Working Meeting of the Kalimantan Province Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK) (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda).