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SBY Inaugurates the MP3EI East Kalimantan project

Balikpapan, 10/25/12. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono (SBY) inaugurated two master plan projects for Acceleration and Expansion 1._SBY_official_Proyek_MP3EI_Kaltim_24_okt_12_webIndonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) in East Kalimantan, on Wednesday, 24/10/12, namely Kariangau Container Port in Balikpapan and Kalimarau Airport in District Berau. Apart from the inauguration, groundbreaking was also carried out on 5 other MP3EI projects, including the development of the Balikpapan Sepinggan International Airport, the construction of the New Samarinda Airport, the construction of the S. Mahakam Twin Bridge, the construction of the Pupuk Kaltim 5 Factory, as well as the construction of the Maloy Industrial Area and International Port. Also accompanying this event were Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Radjasa, Minister of BUMN Dahlan Iskan, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam, Minister of Trade Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Transportation EE Mangindaan, Deputy Minister of Industry Alex SW Retraubun, Hermanto Dardak, along with several ranks of officials from the Ministry of United Indonesia Cabinet II.

This event, which was centered at the Kariangau Container Port, Balikpapan, is one of the implementations of accelerating development and economic growth in East Kalimantan, through accelerating infrastructure development. The Governor of East Kalimantan provided a report regarding the progress of implementing the MP3EI project which was inaugurated and groundbreaking, as well as several projects and potential owned by East Kalimantan. It was stated that the total investment in the 7 projects that were inaugurated and groundbreaking reached IDR 19 trillion. This value includes the Kariangau Container Terminal Investment of Rp. 757 billion, Kalimarau Airport, Berau amounting to Rp. 460 billion, Pupuk Kaltim V Factory amounting to Rp. 6.1 trillion, international airport Rp. 1.8 Trillion, KIPI Maloy amounting to Rp. 4.7 Trillion, New Samarinda Airport Rp. 1.9 Trillion, and the Mahakam River Twin Bridge worth IDR. 383 Billion. Apart from that, from the HR & S&T sector, East Kalimantan is building two educational institutions, namely the Kalimantan Institute of Technology in Balikpapan and the Arts and Culture Institute in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara. These two institutions have accepted new students, where learning activities are temporarily entrusted to ITS Surabaya for ITK, and ISI Yogyakarta for ISBI.

The Minister of Economy, Hatta Radjasa, in his speech delivered a report on the implementation of MP3EI in Indonesia after the launch of the MP3EI program through Presidential Decree 32 of 2011. Since 27 May 2011, various investment projects have begun to be implemented. As of July 2012, it was recorded that 135 MP3EI project groundbreakings had been carried out, worth IDR. 500 Trillion. This value is spread across 6 economic corridors, where investment in the Kalimantan Economic Corridor is worth 104.4 trillion. From an investment value of Rp. 500 Trillion, 20.9% is BUMN investment, 47.9% is private investment, 15.8% is government investment, all of which are infrastructure projects, and 15.4% is mixed investment.PERESMIAN

Many people say that MP3EI is an imaging project. Regarding this, President SBY appealed to all parties not to respond to these comments, but to answer them through real work, with evidence, and by presenting what is the target of MP3EI to the wider community. The continuity of MP3EI activities, which is demonstrated by groundbreaking by groundbreaking, inauguration after inauguration. This is what can ultimately create a sense of self-confidence, confidence, and bring world trust to Indonesia, including public trust in its government. "MP3EI is a strategic plan that is real, tangible and has been tested for its feasibility. It is impossible to set targets and organize strategies that are impossible and cannot be implemented," said one quote from the President's statement.

The large-scale investment movement in Indonesia was first invited and offered to state-owned companies and the domestic private sector. However, after carrying out calculations regarding the mobility of the government budget, the capabilities of state-owned enterprises and the domestic private sector, it turns out that a budget of IDR is still needed. 1500 trillion until 2025. Until 2025, the target investment value is US$ 500 billion or the equivalent of 4500-500 trillion. For this reason, in order to achieve this target, investment is needed apart from state-owned enterprises and the national private sector. It is reported that to date, the investment value has reached Rp. 500 trillion, and the target is that by the end of 2012, investment will reach IDR 700 trillion.

Large-scale infrastructure development within the MP3EI framework, followed by development of the real sector in Indonesia, is expected to open up and further expand employment opportunities which will certainly reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia. The result of this development is a large investment which is the trigger for economic growth in Indonesia. If connectivity continues to be strengthened, the national logistics sector will also become more efficient.

Concluding his speech, the President reminded that business in the field of transportation, whether sea, air or land, is very competitive. The transportation sector is expected to continue to improve the quality and quantity of its existence in order to increase domestic and international connectivity.

Source: H. Hafidz Lahiya, SE, M.Si, Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development (PPW), East Kalimantan Bappeda and published by Public Relations of East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos.

Photo : 1. President SBY signs the Inauguration of the East Kalimantan MP3EI Project witnessed by the Governor of East Kalimantan, DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Hatta Rajasa at the Kariangau Balikpapan Container Port location. 2. President SBY pressed the siren button as a sign of the inauguration of the East Kalimantan MP3EI Project accompanied by the Governor of East Kalimantan and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Wednesday 24/10/12. Doc photo : Stella, East Kalimantan Bappeda Staff.