
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Standardization of East Kalimantan Basic Map

Samarinda, Thursday 11/10/12. Head of Economic Division of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Si chairing a meeting of basic data provision and mapping 1._Rapat Width = Kadastral of East Kalimantan Province in the Meeting Room of the First Floor of the Bappeda Office in East Kalimantan, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Samarinda.

Head of Economy said that the importance of standardization of East Kalimantan base maps to plan East Kalimantan development programs in all fields.

This was revealed by the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda Economics during a meeting with the National REDD+ Task Force on the SKPD related to approximately fifty people.

A glimpse of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deficiestation and Forest Degradation, REDD+) is a global scheme that provides positive incentives to developing countries that are willing and able to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases originating from deforestation and forest degradation. On its journey, in addition to deforestation and forest degradation, REDD+ also includes the role of conservation, sustainable forest management, and increased carbon reserves.

In accordance with the exposure material from the National REDD+ Task Force, namely the REDD+ National Task Force has nominated 9 provinces as a pilot of the REDD+ Province implementation, namely Province 1. Aceh, 2. Riau, 3. Jambi, 4. South Sumatra, 5. West Kalimantan, 6. Central Kalimantan, 7. East Kalimantan, 8. Papua and 9. West Papua. After several assessment processes, at the end of 2010, Central Kalimantan was chosen as the first pilot province for the implementation of REDD+. The following year follows other provinces.

In 2010, Sekala was involved in collecting basic data in the nine provinces and compiled data at the sub-national level which included spatial data, statistics, and including socioal economic data. From November 2011 to July 2012, Sekala was assigned by the REDD+ Task Force for the First Redd+ Pilot Province, Central Kalimantan in order to provide basic data, examine the base map, and make technical preparations to institutionalize the Integrated Cadastral System.

Based on experience in Central Kalimantan Province and data that has been collected in East Kalimantan in 2010, then for the purposes of REDD+ East Kalimantan, Sekala will carry out activities to complete these data, both to add data and update existing data. For this reason, Sekala will verify data and collect new data, including:

1. Biophysical and Demographic Data: Land cover, carbon stock, peatlands, topography, biodiversity, concessions (gardens, agriculture, mines, forestry, etc.), degraded land, critical land, high conservation value areas, mineral and peat soil areas, administrative boundaries, contours, customary land, fire risk; 2. Priority and vulnerability data: Biodiversity hotspot, fire hotspot, disaster risk, and degraded land;
3. Planning and Zoning Data: Spatial Plan, Forest Use Plan, KPH Area, and Moratorium Area;
4. Data on the use of natural resources and management: land suitability, mineral deposit, replanting, certification, customary rights, community -based forest management, and land use conflicts; 5. Socio -Economic Data: poverty, natural disaster prone, population and density, small scale plantations, tribal group fields, customary systems, administrative divisions, and economic indicators;
6. Socio -cultural data: sacred forests, community maps, participatory mapping, customary forests, hot water sources, mineral water sources (salt water), honey trees, former villages, and former beups;
7. GPS Coordinate Data: Sekala will collect GPS data for coordinate points to be selected as the area of ​​REDD+ implementation in East Kalimantan.

guided by the data above, the Sekala will conduct data analysis and improvement to improve its accuracy, improve data gaps, and systematically will create geodatabase formats that are easily accessible to stakeholders that develop in REDD + National and Provincial and District activities activities .
The purpose of the task of the National REDD + Task Force includes: 1. Designing approaches and processes for collecting basic analysis data include biophysical, demographic, socio-cultural and socio-economic data; 2. Compile and analyze data from various sources (multi-stakeholders) in East Kalimantan;
3. Collecting new data and renewing that already includes biophysical, demographic, socio -cultural and socioeconomic data in East Kalimantan;
4. Identifying and analyzing inconsistent data between existing data and new data collected as a need for the implementation of REDD + National in East Kalimantan and start the process to reduce inconsistency;
5. Conducting a rewiew process of stakeholders (multi-stakeholders) and support from the basic data design;
6. Disseminate basic data and basic maps for REDD policy makers and to relevant stakeholders; 7. Identifying and assessing the gap in the institutional and individual capacity needed to ensure the institutionalization of the Kadastral Mapping Flow and the Integrated Survey System; 8. Designing processes to build and / or strengthen the institutions needed and individual capacity, including through a comprehensive mapping training system established in East Kalimantan;
9. Conduct training and related activities to build capacity in the update process and maintenance of maps and basic data for government officials and representatives of the Civil Society of East Kalimantan community; 10. Working with the structure of the REDD+ technical institution in building a REDD+ database system, which contains basic data and basic maps developed through their duties;
11. Ensure data ownership in the community, local government and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan.

The duties and responsibilities of this National REDD + Task Force include: 1. Provides data for the implementation of REDD + National, consisting of spatial data and non-spatial data including biophysical, demographic, socio-cultural and socio-economic data, and making comprehensive assessment documents reports, detailing the data available for East Kalimantan and databases from initial data collected;
2. Compile and analyze data from various sources, and make basic data reports and information sources, including base maps, metadata, and storage systems for each data collected with comprehensive documents that show the results of the analysis of existing data, for relevant redd + information in East Kalimantan; 3. Collecting GPS data to coordinate the area that will be used as REDD+ in East Kalimantan;
4. Designing a system to improve the quality and quantity of spatial and non-spatial data and inconsistent data (including searching for information sources);
5. Analyzing spatial and non-spatial data which includes biophysical, demographic, socio-cultural and socio-economic data in East Kalimantan, so that it is easily accessible electronically and relevant for users to be easy to conduct analysis according to REDD+needs. Conduct data acquisitions Making a report on data acquisition process; 6. Make a report on stakeholder attitudes and perceptions of REDD+;
7. Facilitating the discussion of the stakeholders (multi-stakeholders) and making reports of the views of the parties, as well as reports on the process of discussion of the parties' views obtained at multi-stakeholders;
8. Facilitating the process of multi-stakeholder support, identifying the interested parties, and key figures;
9. Facilitating the discussion of the views of the parties (multi-stakeholders) and reports of multi-stakeholder views on the base map and proposals for the institutionalization of the Integrated Cadastral System;
10. Facilitating planning plans, designing efficient processes, and making reports on plans to spread basic data and basic map information to relevant policy makers and stakeholders;
11. Designing an Integrated Cadastral and Survey Mapping System, and Making Reports Recommendations on Recommendations for Moisting Integrated Cadastral and Survey Mapping Systems in East Kalimantan Province, including Linkages with other relevant agencies at the National, Provincial and District Levels Others;
12. Facilitating discussions for capacity assessment and making gap reports. Existing capacity reports and short -term and long -term gaps and designs for capacity building programs for regencies, provincial and national levels and NGOs that are relevant /NGOs and community groups.
13. Facilitating discussions to make training plans and make reports on scale plans to provide training to districts, provincial and national officials and individuals from relevant NGOs / NGOs and community groups;
14. Facilitating discussions about training materials, and making training material reports; 15. Facilitating training and making training reports provided, participants who participated in training, training content, and the results of training;
16. Make a final report consisting of reports that include: Data summary collected, data analysis summary is carried out, gap data and differences are identified, each resolution with data differences, maps that show the data collected and analysis carried out, summaries of workshops held, decisions made In an integrated cadastral system, the proposed approach to build a multi -upset support in the integrated cadastral system, the method proposed to spread the data, each note on the distribution Dara, assessment of capacity and gap requirements, training priorities provided, training materials provided and recommendations for future training. Recipendation for future work after completing tasks will also be included.

The location of the National Redd + Task Force work in East Kalimantan Province in the Capital of East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda and all Regional Government Work Units (SKPD) in the relevant East Kalimantan Provincial Government, NGOs and Civil Society Organizations; Research organizations include Wanariset Samboja; Cifor, icraf; Donors that have activities in East Kalimantan; Representative of the location of the REDD+East Kalimantan activity, namely Berau Forest Carbon Project (BFCP); Forclime Malinau Demonstration Activity; Spatial Transformation of Low Carbon Emission in West Kutai; The private sector includes the Indonesian Forest Exploitation Association (APHI); Indonesian Wood Panel Association (APKINDO); Sumalindo; PT.Smart; Agrohoop; Wilmar; Gapki; Astra Group. (Source: Exposure from the National REDD+Task Force Team and published by East Kalimantan Bappedaka Public Relations).