The same understanding & focus between fields
Samarinda, 5/2/13. Needs to understand and focus the same between the fields of Bappeda Planner of East Kalimantan Province on Strategic Issues, Problems, and Strategic Development Program of East Kalimantan Province in 2014, said the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimanta Province, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi. MS at the time of chairing the Bappeda Coordination Meeting Supply Meeting in East Kalimantan was accompanied by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin.M.Si and Head of the Regional Development Assessment & Financing Division of East Kalimantan Province in East Kalimantan Province in the Second Floor of Bappeda Propeda Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda.
Discussion of the last preparation in the framework of the implementation of the Bappeda Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan to discuss and plan a priority program in 2014. "As a priority program, of course it must be limited or limited to a certain amount, if not limited, not a priority program," said the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda.
Each of the field of Bappeda East Kalimantan Planning was given the opportunity to present the preparation of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Coordination Meeting, namely the Economic Affairs was delivered by the Head of Economy, Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Si in his presentation conveyed the strategic issues of East Kalimantan, among others: 1. Sensitive to the volatility of commodity prices; 2. Strengthening competitiveness; 3. Based on sustainable local resources; 4. Economy based on innovation and differentiation; 5. Renewable natural resource economy; 6. Unreachable natural resource economy; 7. Reinvestment of income from natural resources for the development of human resources and regional infrastructure, and the problems include: 1. Economic structure in East Kalimantan during 2005-2011 there was a shift in the role of the industrial sector to the mining sector, >>> absorption of low labor; 2. The contribution of the agricultural sector in the broad sense is still low; 3. Economic growth without oil and gas tends to increase and stable, but this number is still dominated by growth with coal >>> low absorption power; 4. Utilization of non -renewable natural resources dominates the contribution of regional income sources; 5. Increased damage and environmental pollution.
Then the next presentation was delivered by the Head of Government and Apparatus, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Si who delivered various strategic issues of East Kalimantan, as well as various problems as well as the East Kalimantan development program, and subsequent presentations by the Head of Division Human Resource Development, Drs. Hariyo Santoso, who emphasized more on the strategic issues of East Kalimantan, the education, health, unemployment and poverty sector and continued on the Head of Regional Development Infrastructure, Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province, which also conveyed various strategic issues of East Kalimantan development, problems and the East Kalimantan development program . (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).