
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Increase East Kalimantan Tourism

Balikpapan, 9/16/13. "The people of East Kalimantan are very thirsty for entertainment, so it is expected that the private sector, especially H. Yos Sutomo _ 1a Said the Governor of East Kalimantan Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak when delivering remarks and at the same time opened the Halal Bihalal Akbar event and Thanksgiving Commemoration of the 68th Indonesian Independence Day and also combined with the East Kalimantan Development Control Cluster event on Lamaru Beach Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. </p>
<p> The event was also the idea of ​​how many East Kalimantan communities, including the Communication Forum between the people of East Kalimantan, the Harmony forum between the Religious Communities of East Kalimantan, the Early Alert Forum for Community, some of the Academy, Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, East Kalimantan Entrepreneurs, and Kodam VI/Mulawarman, the people of Balikpapan City and its surroundings. </p> </p> </p>
<p> The atmosphere of the event with the nuances of a single diversity of Ika by displaying art performances delivered by the sons and daughters of East Kalimantan by wearing traditional archipelago clothing, such as the Dayak tribe, Kutai, Banjar, East Java, Central Java, West Java, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua and other tribes.
<p> As for the entertainment displayed by bringing in famous maintenance artists from the capital of Jakarta, Tukul Arwana and Tarsan who received enthusiastic welcome from the people present. Other art performances are very diverse including the Barongsay performance, which accompanied the group of officials and community leaders before arriving at the honorary table, then continued with the art of lumping horse arts, typical dances of Dayaks and various other traditional arts from various regions in Indonesia. </p>
<p> In line with the event that features various tribes in the archipelago supported by the aroma of nationality felt from the stage settings and various speeches and remarks brought by national leaders, regional leaders and community leaders who are asked to advance on stage in delivering their remarks. src =

As did the founder of the East Kalimantan Communication Communication Forum, Yos Soetomo, one of the well-known East Kalimantan figures as well as regional entrepreneurs who successfully led various companies in the hospitality sector, the tourism sector, the education sector and other sectors when asking the people who were present to stand first before he delivered a speech which then led the community to jointly sing the Garuda Pancasila song accompanied by local music accompanied by local music.

While General TNI Pramono Edhie Wibowo (Retirement) former Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army, as a national leader and community leader who was also present was awarded an honorary title by the East Kalimantan Customary Council and was considered as one of the honorary citizens of the region, with the title called "Madang Lenjau" which had the meaning of a dashing leader and honestly in protecting all people.

Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak, as the Governor of East Kalimantan gained the honor of giving the title by handing over a beluko ​​hat and scarf which is a sign of the honorary title.

Besides Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak also accompanied the Chairman of the East Kalimantn Customary Council, Edy Gunawan, Military Commander VI/Mulawarman, Meyjen TNI Dicky W Usman and how many community leaders in East Kalimantan itself.

The awarding itself is the peak activity of the Halal Bihalal Akbar event and the 68th anniversary of the Proclamation Anniversary which was held at Lamaru Beach by how many communities in Balikpapan. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).

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