
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



84467 kali dilihat

Effective & Efficient Planning

Jakarta, 3/10/13. Plt. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, as well as Secretary of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si opened the event _1a._Rapat_pengbahan_Renstra_Bappeda_Kaltimdiscussion of the Preparation of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018 in the meeting room of the East Kalimantan Representative Office on Jl. Kramat 2, Kwitang, Central Jakarta. The meeting leader (right) was accompanied by the Head of the Program Planning Sub-Division, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Ir. Surono, M.Si (center) and (left) Sony Yuwuno Resource persons from the Ministry of Home Affairs and attended by approximately 40 meeting participants, consisting of the Head of Sub-Division and staff within the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province.

Nazrin hopes that the discussion of the Bappeda Strategic Plan for East Kalimantan Province can produce a credible, effective and efficient development plan for East Kalimantan that will bring prosperity and prosperity to the people of East Kalimantan. Of course, this hope will not be achieved without the support and participation of all parties, including the participants who present in planning better development. He said.
Then it was continued with a presentation from the Head of the Program Planning Sub-Division of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda, Ir. Surono, M.Si that the preparation of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018 is an elaboration of the 2014-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD, of course the discussion of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Strategic Plan can produce development planning that will have an impact on the welfare and prosperity of the people of East Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, Sony Yuwono's presentation was more detailed and in-depth, both in terms of the background to the preparation of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Strategic Plan and must be supported by data and facts available in the field.

Discussion of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018

Based on the discussion of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Strategic Plan with participants representing the planning sectors of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as well as the Development Assessment and Financing Sector as well as the Statistics and Control Sector of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda based on several agreements, including:

Vision of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018_2a._peert_rapat_pengbahanan_Renstra_Bappeda_Kaltim

Discussion of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan Vision that was agreed was "Making East Kalimantan Province Bappeda an Effective and Efficient Development Planning Organizer". This vision is still in draft form so there are still several more meetings to finalize the vision.

Mission of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018

To achieve the Vision in accordance with the desired targets, a mission is needed, including:
Mission 1: "Making the achievement of regional development results effective";
Mission 2: "Improving the Quality of Regional Development Planning";
Mission 3: "Integrating planning & Budgeting".

Goals of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018
1. Coordinating the achievement of regional development targets in the context of achieving national development targets;
2. Increasing the effectiveness of control and evaluation;
3. Integration of data processing and planning documents;
4. Guarantee funding for annual development planning.

Target of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Strategic Plan for 2014-2018
1. Achievement of RPJMD targets;
2. Achievement of SKPD strategic plan targets;
3. Achievement of district and city RPJMD targets;
4. Achieving the RPJMD policy direction through implementing RKPD priorities & targets;
5. Achievement of Strategic Plan performance targets through SKPD Renja;
6. Carrying out all stages of document preparation on time;
7. Integral development data and information processing;
8. Increased consistency in the implementation of RKPD through APBD;
9. Increased APBD funding for direct spending.

_3._peserta_rapat_pembahan_renstra_bappeda_kaltimBappeda East Kalimantan Strategic Plan Strategy for 2014-2018
1. Integrating development planning systems at national, provincial and district/city levels;
2. Increasing the institutional capacity of the development planning system;
3. Increasing the capacity of human resources/Bappeda apparatus in the field of development planning;
4. Optimizing the use of technology and information systems;
5. Optimizing the role of Bappeda in TAPD in consistent planning and budgeting.

Bappeda Kalti Strategic Plan Policym 2014-2018
1. Integrating regional development performance architecture and SKPD;
2. Integrating provincial and district/city development performance architecture;
3. Coordinate the development achievements of the Province towards the development achievements of the Regency/City;
4. Improve the nomenclature of programs & activities that reflect SKPD development and service problems;
5. Harmonize the nomenclature of programs and activities of districts/cities throughout East Kalimantan;
6. Development of management for handling development problems;
7. Improvement of the organizational structure and functions of Bappeda;
8. Providing comprehensive technical guidelines for implementing regional development planning systems;
9. Improving the quality of planning documents;
10. Implementation of regional performance control & evaluation;
11. Implementation of SKPD performance control & evaluation;
12. Implementation of Regency/City performance control & evaluation;
13. Revitalizing the role of Bappeda in anticipating changes and dynamics of regional development;
14. increasing and equal distribution/distribution of qualified human resources for planning officials in Bappeda;
15. Improving the quality of planning apparatus who master the planning field;
16. Providing timely data and information;
17. Realizing the integration of various reports and performance evaluations;
18. Processing development performance (impact, Outcome and Output);
19. Integrating development information systems between Bappeda & SKPD;
20. Integrating provincial and district/city development information systems;
21. Integrating regional development and financial information systems;
22. Properly implementing a control and evaluation (performance) system for SKPD development;
23. effectiveness of BTL management.

Discussion of the 2014-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD

The discussion of the 2014-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD was led by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment Sub Division of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Yusliando, ST by conveying to the meeting participants the general draft of the East Kalimantan RPJMD, both in terms of the background, general conditions and contents of the East Kalimantan RPJMD, then continued with a presentation. from the resource person, Sony Yuwuno, who also conveyed the draft of the East Kalimantan RPJMD and asked for input from the participants present. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).