Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Preparation of Bappeda Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan 2014
Sendawar, Kubar, 5/2/14. Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan and the Government of West Kutai Regency through
Bappeda of West Kutai Regency from 08.00 WITA to 15.30 WITA made the final preparation for the implementation of the Bappeda Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan at each meeting place to be used including the opening of the Multipurpose Meeting Room, the Auditorium Aji Tullur Jangkat in the area of the West Kutai Regent Office Complex, as well as the final preparation for the meeting room to be used in working groups based on the Planning field, among others, the meeting room of the Economy; Meeting Room in the Field of Human Resources Development, Government Meeting Room and Apparatus and Regional Infrastructure Development Meeting Room.
Committee from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province coordinated by Plt. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as well as Secretary of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Sc and Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono and Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Financing Sub -Division, Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi, Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Program Planning Subdivision, H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST., M.Sc; Head of Business Development, Tourism and Culture, Economic Affairs of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Berlin Silaloho, SE together with the West Kutai Regency Government ranks coordinated by the West Kutai Regency Bappeda with the leader of the West Kutai Regency Bappeda Secretary gave each other in input in the success of the Bappeda Coordination Meeting East Kalimantan which will be opened by the Governor of East Kalimantan is represented by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and at the same time Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. RUSMADI.MS.
Implementation of Bappeda Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan in 2014 which discusses the priority program of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the RKPD (Regional Government Work Plan) of East Kalimantan Province in 2015 theme "Industrialization of Regional Superior Products and New and Renewable Energy Development through Strengthening Local Capacity" with the Purpose To synchronize Regency/City Development Planning in East Kalimantan through Regency/City RKPD in East Kalimantan in 2015.
Based on the direction of regional policy of the initial draft of the RPJMD of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in 2013-2018, among others:
1. Development of new growth centers and increased accessibility; 2. Development of regional infrastructure to improve the quality and reach of transportation infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, and water resources network services that are integrated and equitable in all regions; 3. Maintenance and manifestation of the sustainability of environmental functions; 4. Prevent the negative impact of human activities on environmental damage; 5. Manifestation and improvement of integration and interrelationship between cultivation activities; 6. Controlling the development of aquaculture activities so as not to exceed the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment; 7. Defense and State Security.
In accordance with the RTRW of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, through the development of regional space patterns are directed at: 1. Development of the National Activity Center (PKN); 2 National Strategic Activity Center (PKSN), Development of Regional Activity Center (PKW); 3. Development of Local Activity Center (PKL).
Strategies and direction of regional development policies in the district /city are formulated by paying attention:
1. RTRW of East Kalimantan Province; 2. The main sector of growth driving; 3. Labor absorption sector and increase added value; 4. The main commodity produced
In accordance with the Regional Spatial Planning Draft of East Kalimantan Province 2011-2031, West Kutai Regency is a provincial strategic area. With referring to the East Kalimantan Provincial RTRW design 2011-2031, the development of the West Kutai Regency is directed to:
1. National Protection Area: Padang Luwai Nature Reserve, Provincial Protection Area: Luway Kersik Nature Reserve;
2. Production forest area; 3. Plantation Cultivation Areas;
4. Animal Husbandry Cultivation Areas; 5. Mineral and coal mining areas, and oil and gas and gas; 6. Tourism Area;
7. Urban area; 8. Rural areas.
Data Source: Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province and Published by Sukandar, S. Sos Staff for Regional Assessment and Development, Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan Province.