Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Industrialization of East Kalimantan Product
Samarinda, 3/25/14. The superior products of each district/city in East Kalimantan by utilizing sustainable natural resources are priority main in the vision of East Kalimantan 2018 is "Realizing the equitable and equitable East Kalimantan -based and Environmental Energy" with a mission of 5 missions, among others: 1). Realizing the quality of East Kalimantan human resources that are independent and highly competitive; 2. Realizing economic competitiveness that is based on natural resources and renewable energy; 3. Realizing quality basic infrastructure for the community evenly; 4. Realizing Professional, Transparent and Public Service Governance Governance; 5. Realizing good and healthy environmental quality and perspective of climate change. Of the 5 missions there are 6 development objectives, 20 development targets and 120 priority programs for the development of East Kalimantan Province.
This was conveyed by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. when delivering remarks as well as opening the East Kalimantan Regional Work Unit Forum (SKPD) in the framework of the 2015 East Kalimantan Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) in 2015 attended by participants of approximately 200 people from all SKPD East and SKPD Regency/City Government in East Kalimantan in the Bappeda Renstra Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province, Jl. Kusumba Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda.
In his remarks Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province How important points include: 1. Regional development planning of East Kalimantan Province utilizes the potential of existing natural resources; 2. Economic structure is very important for regional development; 3. Competitiveness of Industrialization of Superior Products in East Kalimantan Region; 4. The increase sector cannot guarantee the structure of the regional economy to be better in the future, therefore concrete steps are needed in the use of the quality of natural resources that exist in a sustainable manner and do not release from the environmental sustainability; 5. The target of access between sub-districts throughout East Kalimantan can be achieved in 2018 to be truly considered so that access between sub-districts can be realized; 6. One Maps One Data is very important for the purposes of development planning and also for the benefit of the community and this application will be loanched on April 2, 2014; 7. The development planning process is very important, but once the implementation of development and development control is more important to ensure the target of the implementation of development and the quality of development. Said Plt. East Kalimantan Regional Secretary, Dr.Ir.H. RUSMADI.MS.
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province repositioned to respond to the demands of developing regional development by building systems and processes of higher quality regional development planning by utilizing sustainable natural resources and having high competitiveness supported by local wisdom and regional superior products (efficient, effective , economical and ongoing) with clear and measurable development targets based on participatory, transparent and accountable principles.
Planning and Implementation of Development must be able to bring the progress and ability of regional economic independence in improving the welfare of the people who are fair and sustainable.
Mission Elements of the 2013-2018 RPJMD of the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province, among others: The people of East Kalimantan must be able to take advantage of the progress of the results of direct implications for technological developments; 2.) Realizing economic competitiveness based on natural resources and energy, its elements are based on an analysis of the economic development of East Kalimantan since 40 years ago, where East Kalimantan has gone through several phases of unhealthy and quality economic development; 3. Realizing quality basic infrastructure for the community equally, indicators of prosperity and the progress of the quality of human life are not only based on economic growth, but the extent to which the commitment and efforts of local governments in providing infrastructure facilities evenly; 4). Realizing a professional, transparent, and oriented governance in public services, good governance is an honest, clean, and pro-government as a manifestation of the basic principles of good governance. The regional government bureaucracy not only focuses on the quality or performance of the apparatus, but also to institutions and management; 5). Realizing good and healthy environmental quality and perspective of climate change, unrenewable resources -based economic transformation to Renewable Resources must be done by realizing a balance between economic, environmental and social pillars in development planning towards a green economy.
Implementation of the East Kalimantan Province SKPD Forum to get Proposed Programs and Procoranies of each SKPD of the 2015 East Kalimantan Provincial Government in the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) of East Kalimantan Province in 2015 with the theme "Industrialization of Regional Superior Products and Energy Development New and renewable through strengthening local capacity ". (Sukandar, S. Sos/Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province).