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Workshop RAD MDGs

Balikpapan 6/5/14. - Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak was represented by the Governor's Expert Staff in the field 1a._narasumber_mdgs People's Welfare, Community Empowerment and MDGs Prof. Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto delivered a speech as well as opening a socialization event for the preparation of the Provincial MDGs Report and Workshop on the Preparation of the Regency/City MDGs RAD Matrix in the Le Grandeur Hotel Meeting Room, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Balikpapan City, Tuesday 6/5/14.

Socialization Event Preparation of Provincial MDGs Reports and Workshops for the Preparation of Regency/City MDGs Rad Matrix followed by 70 participants from Regency/City Bappeda in East Kalimantan and Regency/City Bappeda in North Kalimantan, MDGS Pokja of East Kalimantan Province and Bappeda Elements East Kalimantan Province and Bappeda of North Kalimantan Province.

Moderator Socialization of the Preparation of Provincial MDGs Reports and Worshop Preparation of the MDGs RAD Matrix of the first day by the Head of Human Resources Development Bappeda Prov. Kaltim, Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso with resource persons by Mahendra Arfan Azharmasgalakali Sekmk Deputy of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas from the National MDGs Secretariat represented by Mukhlis Hanif Nurdin explained about the guidelines for the preparation of the Provincial MDGS report and the guidelines for the preparation of the RAD MDGS Regency/City matrik, Achievement and Best Practises of MDGs of East Kalimantan Province in 2013 by the East Kalimantan Province MDGs Secretariat was presented by Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso Followed by Discussion and Question and Answer.

The implementation of the second day of MDGs socialization, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 was followed by the presentation of the Best Practises 1, 2 and Working Group 4 MDGs of East Kalimantan Province and the presentation of the results of the preparation of the Regency/City MDGs RAD Matrix by Bappeda City of Tarakan representing North Kalimantan Province and Bappeda Regency East Kutai representing the Province of East Kalimantan followed by discussion and question and answer.

In order to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of MDGs, Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 3 of 2010 concerning a Fair Development Program addressed to the Minister, Governor, Regent and Mayor to accelerate the achievement of MDGs.

On the basis of the Presidential Instruction, the government has compiled a road map for the acceleration of MDGs in Indonesia in 2010-2015. At the regional level the Regional Action Plan (RAD) has been prepared to accelerate the achievement of MDGs in 2011-2015 and is determined through a Governor Regulation. src = "" Alt = "1._PESTER_Socialisis_mdgs" Width = "550" HEIGHT = "360" />

To provide information about the progress that has been achieved by the province as a commitment in realizing the achievement of MDGs targets for its community, the provincial government is preparing the 2014 MDGs Monitoring & Evaluation Report. This report will briefly describe the circumstances and tendencies and important efforts to accelerate the achievement The goal up to the position of 2013, so that it can be used as a basis for preparing the activities needed so that the acceleration of MDGs targets in 2015 can be achieved. For this purpose, it is necessary to hold a socialization on the preparation of the 2013 MDG achievement report as well as continuing the activities that have been carried out in 2013 which was facilitated by Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province.

In an effort to accelerate the achievement of MDGs targets, targets that have not been institutionalized in planning and budgeting in the regions need to be equated with perceptions among the managers. In connection with this, socialization is needed in increasing capacity, both national, provincial and district/city levels in determining MDGs targets and indicators as well as integrating into the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD).

Rad MDGs Regency and City are very important in the effort to accelerate the achievement of MDGs targets because the regencies and cities are direct executors of various programs and to support the acceleration of MDGs achievement. For this reason, all regencies and cities in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan need to compile RAD MDGs.

Furthermore, in order to create the same understanding of how to prepare RAD MDGs and its matrix, it is necessary to have a workshop on the preparation of MDGs RAD for Regency and City Bappeda in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan as the MDGS Planning and Budgeting Coordinator in the regions, especially in the preparation of the matrix. Then based on the workshop it is expected that the Regency/City Bappeda can coordinate the relevant SKPD to be able to compile the MDGs RAD matrix which includes 7 MDGs.

3._pesriti_socialisisization_2014 Purpose of Activities:

Preparation of Provincial MDG Report

1. Understand the structure of writing the MDGs achievement report both in terms of substance and system Increase the capacity of the provincial Bappeda in the preparation of the Provincial MDGs Achievement Report; 3. Increase the capacity of the provincial Bappeda in order to be able to coordinate related stakeholders to compile the MDGs Achievement Report at the provincial level.

Preparation of Rad Kab/City Matrix

1. Increasing the capacity of Regency and City Bappeda in the preparation of RAD MDGs Regency /City;
2. Increase the capacity of Regency and City Bappeda in order to be able to coordinate the relevant SKPD to compile the MDGS RAD Matrix in accordance with the objectives of the MDGs which are their responsibilities; 3. Exercise the preparation of the Regency and City MDGs RAD Matrix based on the 2013 DPA database;
4. Increase the capacity of the district /city in describing the target of MDGs in the RAD into the annual Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD);
5. Increase the capacity of the Regency/City in the exercise of the preparation of the Regional Action Plan Matrix (RAD).


1. At the provincial level, it is necessary to prepare a report on the achievement of MDGs and submit the report to the Minister of PPN /Head of Bappenas and the Minister of Home Affairs at the end of June 2014;
2. Completion of Monitoring & Evaluation Reports (Form 1, 2 & 3) RAD MDGs Prov. East Kalimantan 2014 Semester 1 (June 2014);
3. At the district /city level, it is necessary to compile the MDGs RAD Matrix with the maximum delivery limit is June 2014;
4. The Regency/City MDGs RAD Matrix needs to be arranged as an effort to accelerate the achievement of MDGs targets, because the Regency/City is a direct executor of various programs and activities that support the acceleration of the achievement of the MDGs;
5. With a time of 1.5 years until the end of 2015, it is necessary to accelerate efforts to achieve all MDGs indicator targets;
6. North Kalimantan Province has not yet compiled RAD MDGs because there is no transposition data available (North Kalimantan Province data is still included in the parent province, namely East Kalimantan);
7. Cooperation with BPS both at the provincial and district /city levels needs to be more intensively established to support the availability of MDGs indicator data;
8. Integration of accelerating the achievement of MDGs targets in RKPD and DPA in 2015.

(Data Source: Human Resources Development Division, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and published by Bappeda Public Relations of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).