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Target 2018 Poor Population East Kalimantan 5 %

Samarinda, Wednesday 4/6/14. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government has a very strong commitment to overcoming the poor in accordance with the Final Draft Medium Term Development Plan document 1a._rapat_finalization_RPJMD_Kaltim_Repetada_4_June_2014Regional (RPJMD) East Kalimantan Province for 2013-2018 targets a reduction in the poor population of less than 5% from the basic data position in 2013 of 6.06% or an absolute figure of 237,960 people and data The number of poor people nationally is 11,375.

This was revealed according to the results of the final discussion meeting on the Final Provincial RPJMD Draft East Kalimantan 2013-2018 in the Repetada meeting room, floor II, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda office, Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda, led by the Head of Regional Development Assessment and Financing for East Kalimantan Province, Ir. Human, Drs.H. Hariayo Santoso, Head of Government and Apparatus Division, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Si; Head of Regional Development Infrastructure, H. Hafidz Lahiya, SE., M.Si; Head of Sub-Sector for Regional Development Studies, Ir. Yuslinado; Head of Regional Development Financing Sub-Sector, Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi; Head of Government Sub-Sector, Dra. Tri Padianawati; Head of Regional Development Sub-Sector, Denny Wardhana, ST., M.Si; Head of Education, Mental & Spiritual Sub-Sector, Ir.Hj. Didayanti Darma; regional development infrastructure staff, Perdana Jaty Leksono, ST; and staff in the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Sector.

In accordance with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's answer to questions from the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD during the 14th Plenary Session with the agenda "Delivery of a General View of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Fractions on the Note Explanation of the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD Draft Regional Regulation on Monday, May 26 2014 in the Main meeting room East Kalimantan Province DPRD, Jl. Teuku Umar, Karang Paci Samarinda.

Suggestions and improvements from the DPRD of East Kalimantan Province regarding poverty alleviation, namely that the reduction in poverty rates is still relatively slow, even though this problem concerns the breath and lives of our less fortunate citizens, who are called the "poor population". In 2009-2012 the number of poor people had an increasing trend. In 2010 the number of poor people was 243,000 people, in 2011 it increased to 247,900 people, in 2012 it continued to increase to 253,340 people, and decreased slightly to 237,960 in 2013 even though the funds disbursed for poverty reduction reached hundreds of billions or even trillions of Rupiah. This is a concern for us all and needs attention 2._participants_20140604_091348_Jalan_Abdul_Azis_SamadThe government is very serious, namely by creating activity programs that truly suit the needs of the poor. The target of programs and activities for poverty alleviation must really be the RIGHT target, namely Poor Households (RTM), not aimed at residents who are already well off. These poor people live on a very poor income of IDR. 170,000 to Rp. 220,000 per month, equivalent to IDR. 8,000 per day. We consider that the target of reducing the poverty rate to 5% is still high because this means that there will still be around 165,000 fellow citizens of East Kalimantan who are still living in poverty. They need to receive special attention, and need to experience the results of equitable and just development like other East Kalimantan residents. Therefore, it is necessary to map out what programs encourage poverty reduction and become a special chapter in the RPJMD and what benchmarks and approaches are used in determining performance indicators for reducing poverty below 5%.

Meanwhile, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government responds to suggestions or input from the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD, including: 1. In relation to poverty alleviation, the government has committed to reducing poverty, therefore the activity program will be directed towards improving community welfare, especially to raise dignity. and the dignity of poor households. The funding allocation provided in 2014 reached Rp. 590.3 Billion; 2. Provincial authority is limited to tackle poverty because this is the authority of the District/City; 3. The budgeting system in the 2013-2018 RPJMD is more focused by allocating the poverty reduction budget in 12 development sectors; 4. The Governor's commitment has been accommodated in the RPJMD program.

Meanwhile, answering questions from the East Kalimantan DPRD regarding the strategic issue of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), including strategic issues regarding the scarcity of fuel and electricity, which have not been resolved for the last few years, need to be reviewed again to determine strategic issues for East Kalimantan Province, including: < br />1. The Unresolved Shortage of Subsidized Fuel and Electric Power;
2. The lack of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) and electricity in society has recently become a social problem that needs special attention from the government. Electricity is very important in supporting life's needs, apart from being a means of lighting, it also supports obtaining information and developing technology. Insufficient electricity and subsidized fuel quotas in some areas of East Kalimantan Province have hampered development. Electrical energy is renewable energy where the company's electricity production process still uses fossil electrical energy sources. In the current development of science, many energy sources have been discovered that can be processed into electrical energy sources. However, the lack of electricity production has caused blackouts to be carried out in several areas in anticipation of increasing household electricity consumption;
20140604_091359_Jalan_A.M_Sangaji3. Meanwhile, the lack of subsidized fuel can be seen from the long queues at each gas station which has an impact on traffic jams. This causes irregularities in the distribution of subsidized fuel to the public. There are still many people who use subsidized fuel and have not received firm action from officers, which is one form of problem following the lack of subsidized fuel. The problem of queuing for subsidized fuel in East Kalimantan Province has the potential to trigger conflict in society, in the future very serious efforts are needed from the government to overcome this problem;
4. This condition of the lack of subsidized fuel and electricity is in sharp contrast to the contribution made by East Kalimantan Province in terms of natural resources. The people of East Kalimantan Province feel neglected by the central government both in terms of equal distribution of electricity and infrastructure and subsidized fuel quotas. In this case, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government plays an active role in coordinating with the central government.

Meanwhile, the council's questions regarding the new and renewable energy mix include:
1. In determining the target for the new and renewable energy mix, it really needs to be adjusted to the national energy mix target as stated in Presidential Decree Number 5 of 2006 concerning National Energy Policy, where in this Presidential Decree the percentage role of energy sources until 2015 has been determined, namely: Oil earth becomes less than 20 percent, Natural Gas becomes more than 30%, Coal becomes more than 33%, Biofuels becomes more than 5% and Geothermal becomes more than 5%, Biomass, nuclear, micro hydro, solar power and wind power to 5%, liquefied coal to 2%;
2. The condition of East Kalimantan's electrical energy mix in 2013 was Petroleum (BBM): 73.6%, Natural Gas: 7.4%, Coal: 19%, EBT: 0.02%. This happens because there are still many diesel power plants (PLTD) operating, and there is still a lack of natural gas supply for power plants and the development of EBT is still prioritized to electrify remote areas by developing PLTS, PLTMH, Palm Oil Waste PLTG and Biogas from livestock manure. The condition of East Kalimantan's electrical energy mix in 2013 can be seen in the picture below;
3. The target for East Kalimantan's electrical energy mix in 2018 is Petroleum (BBM): 20%, Natural Gas: 23%, Coal: 54%, EBT: 3%. This target can be achieved due to the development of coal and gas-fired power plants in the Mahakam system, namely: PLTG Peaking: 2x 50 MW, PLTG Senipah 1&2: 2 x 41 MW, PLTU Emputar 3: 1x 60 MW, PLTU Kariangau 1 & 2: 2x110 MW , PLTU Embulan 4&5 : 2x 100 MW , PLTGU Senipah 3: 35 MW and development of PLTG Pome (palm oil waste) of 30 MW. For the Tanjung Redeb system, PLTU Lati (expansion) will be developed: 5 MW and PLTU Tanjung Redeb 2 x 7 MW;
4. East Kalimantan's electricity energy mix target in 2018, for details can be seen in the image below. (Public Relations of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).