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Target 2018 Poor Population East Kalimantan 5 %

Samarinda, Wednesday 4/6/14. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan has a very strong commitment in the prevention of the poor in accordance with the final draft document for the Medium -Term Development Plan 1a The abscat rate is 237,960 people and the data of the national population nationally 11,375. <Br /> <Br /> This was revealed according to the results of the finalization meeting of the Draft Final Draft Draft of the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD in 2013-2018 in the Repeta Meeting Room in the Second Floor, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Office Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda was chaired by the Head of Division Assessment and Financing for Regional Development of East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H.Djoko Susilo Handono was present the Head of Human Resources Development, Drs.H. Hariayo Santoso, Head of Government and Apparatus, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Sc; Head of Regional Development Infrastructure, H. Hafidz Lahiya, SE., M.Sc; Head of Sub -Division of Regional Development Assessment, Ir. Yuslinado; Head of Regional Development Financing Sub Division, Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi; Head of Sub -Division of Government, Dra.tri Padianawati; Head of Regional Development Sub -Division, Denny Wardhana, ST., M.Sc; Head of Sub -Division of Education, Mental & Spiritual, Ir.Hj. Didankanti Darma; Staff for Regional Development Infrastructure, Perdana Jaty Leksono, ST; and staff in the field of study and financing regional development. Explanation of the 2013-2018 RPJMD RPJMD Draft Regional Regulation on Monday, May 26, 2014 in the Main Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Province DPRD, Jl. Teuku Umar, Karang Paci Samarinda. </p>
<p> Suggestions and improvements from the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD regarding poverty reduction, namely the reduction in poverty is still slow, even though this problem concerns the breath and the lives of our disadvantaged citizens, called very serious about the government, namely by creating a program of activities that are truly in accordance with the needs of the poor. The target programs and activities for poverty reduction must be really on target, namely poor households (RTM), not aimed at residents who have been able. This poor population lives with a very alarming income of Rp. 170,000 to Rp. 220,000 per month, equivalent to Rp. 8,000 per day. We consider that the target of reduction in poverty to 5% is still high because this means there will still be around 165,000 people of East Kalimantan brothers who are still living in poor. They need special attention, and need to feel the results of equitable and equitable development like other East Kalimantan residents. Therefore, it is necessary to map what programs encourage poverty decline and become a special chapter in the RPJMD and what are the benchmarks and approaches used in establishing poverty reduction performance indicators below 5 %.

While the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan gave a response from the suggestions or input from the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD, among others: 1. and the dignity of poor households. The allocation of funds provided in 2014 reached Rp. 590.3 billion; 2. Provincial authority is limited to overcome poverty because this is the authority of the district/city; 3. The budgeting system in the 2013-2018 RPJMD has focused more on allocating the poverty reduction budget in 12 development fields; 4. Governor's commitment has been accommodated in the RPJMD program.

Sementra Answering East Kalimantan DPRD questions on Strategic Issues of Energy Source of Mineral Dayan Sources (ESDM) including regarding strategic issues regarding fuel scarcity and yes electricity that has never been solved over the past few years needs to be reviewed for the determination of strategic issues of East Kalimantan Province, including: < Br /> 1. Durning a subsidized fuel and electric power that has never been solved; 2. The lack of subsidized and electric fuel oil in the midst of the community lately has become a social problem that needs special attention from the government. Electricity is very important in supporting the necessities of life, in addition to being a lighting tool also supports to obtain information and technological development. There is not enough electricity quota and subsidized fuel in parts of East Kalimantan Province, it has caused development. Electric energy is an anxious energy where the company's electricity production process still uses a source of fossil electrical energy. In the development of science today there are many sources of energy that can be processed into a source of electrical energy. However, the lack of electricity production has caused blackouts to be carried out in several regions in anticipation of increasing household electricity consumption;
20140604_091359_JALAN_A.M_SANGAJI 3. While the lack of subsidized fuel can be seen from the length of the queue at each gas station that has an impact on traffic jams. This causes misappropriation in the distribution of subsidized fuel to the community. The rise of subsidized fuel and have not received firmly actions by officers is one form of problem after the lack of subsidized fuel. The issue of the subsidized fuel queue in East Kalimantan Province has the potential to trigger conflicts in the community, in the future a very serious effort from the government is needed to overcome the problem; 4. The condition of the lack of subsidized fuel and electricity is in contrast to the contributions given by the Province of East Kalimantan in terms of natural resources. The people of East Kalimantan Province felt that the central government was established both in terms of electricity distribution and infrastructure and subsidized fuel quota. In this case, the active role of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in coordinating with the central government.

While the council questions regarding the new and renewable energy mix include:
1. In determining the target of the new and renewable energy mix, it is true that it needs to be adjusted to the national energy mix target as listed in the Presidential Decree Number 5 of 2006 concerning National Energy Policy, where the Presidential Decree has determined the percentage of the role of energy sources until 2015, namely: Oil Earth becomes less than 20 percent, natural gas becomes more than 30 %, coal becomes more than 33 %, vegetable fuel becomes more than 5 %and geothermal to more than 5 %, biomass, nuclear, Microhydro, solar power and wind power to 5%, coal that is disbursed to 2%; 2. The condition of the East Kalimantan electric energy mix in 2013 was petroleum (BBM): 73.6 %, natural gas: 7.4 %, coal: 19 %, EBT: 0.02 %. This happens because there are still many operations of diesel power plants (PLTD), and there is still a lack of natural gas supply for power plants and EBT development is still prioritized to electrify remote areas by developing PLTS, PLTMH, PLTG Palm Waste and Biogas from livestock dung. The condition of the East Kalimantan electric energy mix in 2013, can be seen in the picture below; 3. The target of the East Kalimantan electric energy mix in 2018 is petroleum (BBM): 20 %, natural gas: 23 %, coal: 54 %, EBT: 3 %. This target can be achieved because it was developed by coal and gas -fired power plants in the Mahakam system, namely: PLTG PEAKING: 2x 50 MW, PLTG Senipah 1 & 2: 2 x 41 MW, PLTU Embalut 3: 1x 60 MW, Kariangau PLTU 1 & 2: 2x110 MW , PLTU Embalut 4 & 5: 2x 100 MW, PLTGU Senipah 3: 35 MW and PLTG Development POME (Palm Waste) of 30 MW. For the Tanjung Redeb system system, Lati (Expansion): 5 MW and PLTU Tanjung Redeb 2 X 7 MW will be developed; 4. The target of the East Kalimantan electric energy mix in 2018, for clearly can be seen in the picture below. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).