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Prevention & Eradication of Corruption

East Kalimantan. As an effort to prevent and eradicate corruption as mandated in Presidential Regulation Number 55 Year Prevention___Pessing_Korupsi 2012 about Long-Term PPK Stradise 2012-2025 and Straen PPK Medium-Term 2012-2014, the government compiles acts of prevention and eradication of corruption implemented every year.

In the president's Corruption Prevention and Eradication Action Plan (PPK), explicitly instructed all government ranks both at the national and regional level (Governor and Regent/Mayor) to implement PPK Stradise.

Efforts to coordinate and evaluate the PPK Stranca both at the national and regional levels are carried out by Bappenas. In an effort to coordinate and evaluate the PPK, Bappenas and Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Structure, encourage the implementation of corruption prevention and eradication actions both at the national and regional levels.

The success of the implementation of actions to prevent and eradicate corruption both at the national level and at the regional level is very important for Indonesia as a reporting material in the conference conference forum for the convention of the nations against corruption.

Profile of East Kalimantan Province

Good economic performance. For almost 10 (ten) years the province of East Kalimantan is a province with a gross regional domestic product (GRDP) on the basis of valid prices that continue to increase. GRDP per capita of East Kalimantan Province has an average above the average PDRB per national capita. This condition places East Kalimantan in line with the Province of DKI Jakarta, Riau Province, West Papua Province, and and Riau Islands Province.

High cost economy. Kalimantan Province Kimur has a score of Indonesian Governance Index of 5.66. This score is included in the medium category and is below the national average index. The 2010 Corruption Perception Index in 3 (three) in East Kalimantan Province: Balikpapan City is 5.58, Samarinda City is 4.85, and Tenggarong City is 5.41. This figure is far below the city of Jogjakarta (5.81), Surakarta (6.00), and Denpasar (6.71).

Prevention and eradication of corruption is still challenging. Related to the corruption prevention strategy, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government has implemented one of the corruption prevention strategies through the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP). Transparency International Indonesia (TII) has made an assessment of the extent of the development of one -door integrated licensing services (PTSP) in one of the cities in East Kalimantan Province, Balikpapan City. In the study, information was found that 83 % of respondents who came from entrepreneurs who in the past year took care of at least one type of business licensing at PTSP appreciated licensing services through PTSP. However, the majority of these entrepreneurs, around 56 % of respondents considered the business licensing process at PTSP was still colored by bribery practices and lubricants.

Program Overview

This program will consist of 3 (three) main activities:
1. Measurement of Corruption Perception Index (GPA), 2. Corruption Impact Campaign, and
3. Initiation of local integrity systems. Measurement of the Corruption Perception Index is needed to measure the amount of corruption that occurs. The corruption perception index consists of 11 variables divided into 3 main groups, namely:

1) Variable bribery perception
a. Speed ​​up business licensing b. Speed ​​up the Installation of Public Services c. Tax Reduction
d. Winning contract procurement
e. Get a beneficial legal decision f. Affect the formation of policies, regulations, and law

2) Corruption Perception Variable
a. Gratification
b. Extortion c. Conflict of interest

3) Variable Perception of Employers About Efforts to Eradicate and Prevent Corruption
a. Seriousness in the eradication of cosruption
b. The seriousness of law enforcement officials in cracking down on corruption cases.
Campaign The impact of corruption is important. This campaign can be used to increase public awareness of the impact of corruption. Through this awareness process the public can participate actively in efforts to eradicate and prevent corruption. Public campaigns related to the impact of corruption are carried out by:
1) Serial Workshop Storyline Preparation
2) Making Corruption Risk Community Service Advertisements
3) Serial Public Campaigns
Initiation of Local Integrity Systems is the result Implementation of efforts to measure the risk of corruption and public campaigns accompanied by assessment. The risk of corruption that is reflected in the corruption perception index needs to be managed properly. Local governments need to ensure that the risk of corruption can be muted and does not have a negative impact on aspects of governance and the economy in the regions. Management of risks of corruption can be done through the implementation of local integrity systems. The implementation of the local integrity system in general meets the following stages: 1) Local Integrity System Policy Commitment
2) Preparation of Local Integrity System Action Plans
3) Formation of Local Integrity Core Team
5) Monitoring the Local Integrity System
6) Assessment of local integrity systems.

Ideally, the implementation of the local integrity system can be assessed its effectiveness after one year of implementation.


The purpose of implementing the action of prevention and eradication of corruption is:
1. The existence of a measuring instrument that can be used to base the risk of corruption, 2. Stages of policy implementation, and
3. Impact of PPK Strancing Policy at the Regional Level.


This program is directed to reach the following output:
1. The existence of the Corruption Perception Index (GPA), 2. The implementation of the Corruption Impact Campaign and Identification of Victims of Corruption Practices in the Strategic Sector, 3. The study and implement the local integrity system.

(Data Source of Government and Apparatus, Bapppeda of East Kalimantan Province and published by Bappeda Public Relations of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).