
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Assistance of RKA SKPD East Kalimantan 2015

Samarinda, 5/8/14. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through the Assistance Team includes Bappeda, Regional Development Bureau, Finance Bureau and Bureau 1a /> Assistance meeting room is divided into four (4) space, namely the meeting room of the Special Basic Pattern of SKPD guided by the Economy; Special Propeda Meeting Room Fostered in Government and Apparatus; Special SKPD Repeta Meeting Room Fostered in the Field of Regional Infrastructure and Development; and SKPD Special Renstra Meeting Room in the Field of Human Resources Development. </p>
<p> Anggato The team on duty in the economic field that felt from East Kalimantan Bappeda Province, namely: 1. Ir. Ujang Rahmad, M.Si Head of Economics; 2. Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi Head of the Regional Development Financing Sub Division; 3. H. Antony Safariza, SE., MM Head of Natural Resources and Environmental Resources; 4. Berlin Friniko S, SE Head of Business Development, Tourism and Culture; 5. Nurdiana A staff of Bappeda Kaltim. While team members from the Regional Development Bureau are: 1. Muhammad Arnains, SE., MT; 2. Drs. Didi Wahyudi; 3. Dien Risya Perdana Putra, A.Md and team members from the Finance Bureau include: 1. Fahmi Prima Laksana, SE., MM; 2. H. Hermanto, S. Sos; 3. Asthi Fathani, SE; M. Hefni Effective and Team Members from the Equipment Bureau namely H. Nazran, ST. </p>
<p> While the team members on duty in the field of government and apparatus from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province include 1. Ir. H. Nazrin, M.Sc Plh. Head concurrently Secretary; 2. Siti Sugianti, SE., M.Si Head of Government and Apparatus; 3. Dra. Tri Padianawati Head of Sub -Division of Government; 4. Andrei Asdi, SH., M.Si Head of Sub -Division of Apparatus and H. Sajid Iksan Fuad, ST staff of Bappeda East Kalimantan. Team members from the Regional Development Bureau include: 1. Drs. H. Syahli Sofiari; 2. Hj. Farida Ariyani, BA; 3. Syafarudin Masroen, S. Sos. Team members from the Finance Bureau include: 1. H. Mohd. Herdiansyah; 2. Hardiyanto, SE; 3. H. Sayid Hasim Assegaf, SE. Team members from the Equipment Bureau are Endang Effendi, S. Sos. </p>
<p> While the team members on duty in the field of human resources from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province include 1. Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso Head of Human Resources Development; 2. Yusliando, ST Head of Regional Development Assessment Sub -Division; Ir. Hj. Hidayanti Darma Head of Sub -Division of Education, Mental and Spiritual; Ir. Surono, M.Si Head of the Sub -Division of People's Welfare and H. Danny F Staff of the East Kalimantan Bappeda. Team members from the Regional Development Bureau are 1. Suwarno, SE., MM; 2. Dewi Candra Mandayani, SE; 3. Robiah, S.Kom. Team members from the Finance Bureau include 1. Iwan Darmawan, SK., MM; 2. Drs. Eka Pratiwi; 3. Wisnu Muliarachman, SE; 4. Wahyu Purnama, S.Kom. Team members from the Equipment Bureau Noorsirwan Imani, S.Pi.  </p>
<p> Team members who served in the field of infrastructure and regional building originating from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province include: 1. H. Hafid Lahiya, SE., M.Sc; 2. H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST; 3. Deny Wardhana, ST., M.Sc; 4. Achmad Muzakkir, ST; 5. IR.H. Djoko Susilo Handono. Team members from the Regional Development Bureau include: 1. Hj. Lisa Hasliana, M.Sc; 2. Agus Taswanto, ST; 3. A. Wahab Syahrani, S. Sos; 4. Fadli Khaliq Irawan. S, ST. Team members from the Finance Bureau include: 1. H. Fahmi Prima Laksana, SE., MM; 2. Hardiyanto, SE; 3. Mirwan, S.Kom; 4. M. Helfni Effendi. The team members who came from the Equipment Bureau were H. Irawan Aliwardana, M.Sc.ak. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, SOS). </p>
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