
Monday, 30 November 2020



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Development of TEPPA Kaltim

Samarinda, 11/8/14. Government East Kalimantan Province through the East Kalimantan Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) together with the East Kutai Regency Government continues to develop the data collection of the Evaluation and Budget Evaluation Team (TEPPA), today conducting Teppa BimbibinganTexnis (Bimtek) in the Second Floor Meeting Room in the Second Floor of the Bappeda Province, East Kalimantan Province, Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda.

Participants in the Bimtek Teppa totaling approximately 40 people came from all SKPDs in the scope of the East Kutai Regency Government and were guided by speakers from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, including Charmarijaty, ST., M.Si assisted by teams including Muhammad Hamsani, Baskoro, Andrei and others.

This TEPPA application is very helpful for SKPD in making project reports, both physical and financial. So that every three months, the project progress of each SKPD can be reported to the Presidential Work Unit for Development Supervision and Control (UKP-PPP). "With this application, each SKPD can date its project report every month. So that once in the month, report results can be sent to UKP-PPP to be forwarded to the President.

Other benefits of the TEPPA application are that every SKPD head can find out in real terms and can monitor project conditions in the field. Previously, the Head of SKPD did not know the project progress. With this TEPPA, they know whether the project is running according to the target or not.

This TEPPA application also looks report card for each SKPD. For those who get a blue report card, then it means that the SKPD has finished completing the project. Green report cards indicate that the project is still running. Yellow report card means the project is still in process. While the red report card indicates that the project is late for the target. Indeed there is no award or punishment for SKPD who get red report cards. But at least, they get moral punishment.

Another advantage of the most important TEPPA application is to be able to reduce the remaining budget calculation (SILPA). With the report card, each SKPD will maximize the budget absorbed well. Isn't the budget coming from the people. Therefore, the budget must be used as much as possible for the welfare of the people as well. This is where the important role of teppa. In the future, he asked the SKPD to advance the auction schedule at the beginning of the year. At least in March, the auction must be completed. This will be useful if the auction fails to get a winner. Then there is still time to carry out auction.

In addition to the benefits, it is also beneficial to the results of the project. With a lot of time, the quality of the project is certain to be maintained. Different cases if the auction is carried out towards the end of the year. The quality of the project will certainly be disrupted because it pursues the target. Planning and project land are expected to be completed at least a year before the implementation. Do not let the two things done in the same year. Because the planning and provision of land takes a lot of time. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Suka Ndar, S.Sos).