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East Kalimantan SIPPD-SIMDA Data Integration Trial

Jakarta, Thursday 25/9/14. Head of Program Planning Sub-Division, Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, H. Buyung Dody Gunawan, ST., MM 2a._kasubbag_PRK_meimpin_rapat_IMG_2490delivered remarks as well as opened the event and at the same time chaired a trial meeting for data integration of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) with the Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government for the 2015 fiscal year in the meeting room of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Representative Office Jl. Kramat Kwitang II Central Jakarta, Wednesday 24/9/14.

East Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD).

The Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) application is a tool that will assist Bappeda in the process of preparing RPJP, RPJMD and RKPD which includes the Strategic Plan and Work Plan for each SKPD. In preparing the RPJMD, a system is needed that is able to maintain the process of adjusting the activities carried out by each SKPD so that they are always in line with the Vision and Mission of the Regional Head.

At a practical level, conventional development planning mechanisms (recapitulation of proposed programs/activities and synchronization with manual budgeting) have many weaknesses related to regulations (account code system), ability to support synchronization of planning with budgeting, inability to prevent overlapping proposals, limitations desired data output (seeing recapitulation of proposals and budget allocations and various perspectives, both sectoral and spatial). These weaknesses cause delays in recapitulation and

Information systems have developed along with the very rapid development of information technology and have proven to play a very important role in economic activities and development strategies. The existence of information systems supports the performance of increasing efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of government organizations, the business world and encourages the realization of an advanced and prosperous society. The information system that is needed, utilized and developed for regional development needs is an information system that is primarily directed at supporting regional development planning.

SIPPD functions include:4._leader_rapat_20140924_100816
1. Facilitating the Process of Preparing KUA/PPAS: Programs/Activities source of APBD PROV funds
2. Maintain linkage and consistency between planning and budgeting

The objectives of SIPPD - SIMDA data integration are:
1. Streamline SIMDA data input;
2. Reduce / eliminate the error rate in SIMDA input;
3. Streamline time and financing for each SKPD;
4. In order to perfect the previously inputted data so that the previous SKPD ceiling can be adjusted to the current ceiling.

East Kalimantan Provincial Government Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) Application

Application program developed by the BPKP Application Team (Financial and Development Supervisory Agency) which is intended to assist local governments in managing their regional finances. With this application, regional governments can carry out integrated regional financial management, starting from budgeting, administration to accounting and reporting.

The SIMDA program is an application developed by BPKP (Financial and Development Monitoring Agency) to assist Regional Governments in implementing regional financial management.

The SIMDA programs that have been developed to date include:
1. SIMDA Finance
3. SIMDA Salary
4. SIMDA Income

6._peteman_20140924_095658SIMDA Finance

SIMDA Finance is a financial application program that has integrated all regional financial management functions starting with the budgeting function, regional financial administration function, to accounting and reporting functions.

The benefits of Financial SIMDA are:
1. Assist local governments in implementing regional financial management (Budgeting, Implementation, Accountability)
2. Prepare Financial Reports More efficiently and accurately
3. Store financial data for other management purposes
4. Presenting accurate information effectively and efficiently that will be used by report users
The latest Financial Simda Application Program is version 2.1. Release 15 R 1

Is an Application Program to assist Regional Governments in Managing Regional Goods

SIMDA Salary
Is an Application Program to assist Regional Governments in Managing Employee Salary data

The process of integrating 2015 SIPPD data with SIMDA of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government by SKPD within the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is guided by the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Information Technology (IT) Team under the coordinator of the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Program Planning Subdivision, including, Baskoro, Taufan Februs Sahid, Imam Akhmadi, Muhammad Rian Alwin and assisted by Normiana Afriani, Dani Fariza, and Said Ihzan and others.

Continued SIPPD - SIMDA data integration

The follow-up to the SIPPD data integration process for East Kalimantan Province, Thursday 25 September 2014 was led directly by the Head of the BAPPEDA Program Planning Sub-Division for East Kalimantan Province, H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST., MM in the meeting room of the East Kalimantan Province Representative Office, Jalan Kramat Kwitang II, Central Jakarta was attended by approximately 50 participants from SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

(source: from various media and published by Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos). Photo : Rudi Hertamiaji and Sukandar