Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index
Samarinda, 29/9/14. The Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index (IKLI) is a feedback measure to determine the level of community satisfaction with infrastructure development by the Central Government and East Kalimantan Provincial Government. Apart from measuring community satisfaction, an inventory of the community's desires and hopes for infrastructure development in East Kalimantan will also be taken. IKLI was prepared as a basis for measuring target achievement in the third mission of the 2013-2018 RPJMD based on the voices of infrastructure product users directly. This index is also expected to become a tool that produces an overview to understand the community's perspective in an objective, comprehensive and credible manner, both physical development and benefit aspects (outcomes). Measurements will be carried out in aggregate per type of infrastructure so that the weaknesses and strengths of a Program/Activity can be identified.
This was revealed when Plh. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si opened the Focur Group Discussion event / The discussion was limited and focused on Preparing the East Kalimantan Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index in the Pola Infrastruktur meeting room, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Jln. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda was attended by approximately 40 participants from SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
The concept of the measurement results is assumed to be that the high infrastructure service satisfaction index reflects the high quality of output and outcomes from infrastructure development in East Kalimantan (scale 1-10). How the current performance is and what conditions are expected by the community using the infrastructure is the feedback needed in order to improve performance next year.
In accordance with the 2013 - 2018 East Kalimantan Province Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) document which has been stipulated in Regional Regulation No. 7 of 2014, placing infrastructure as one of the development missions in an effort to achieve the 2018 Advanced Kaltim Vision. The success of infrastructure development will become input for all development sectors. Explicitly, the expected impact of infrastructure development is to increase regional economic growth, reduce poverty rates, reduce unemployment, increase regional investment value, open up regional isolation, increase accessibility between regions, support food security, etc. >
Purpose of Preparing ADs
1. Objectively knowing the public's perception of the performance of infrastructure development, including several attributes that are directly felt by the public, which leads to the level of satisfaction with infrastructure development in East Kalimantan;
2. Building an indicator model for achieving infrastructure development targets. The results of the measurements and analysis will be input for the government in determining policies and preparing programs/activities for the following year.
Goals and Benefits of CLI SETTING
The target of this activity is the development of a formula for calculating the Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index (IKLI). Calculation of the index value objectively is input in planning and formulating infrastructure development policies in East Kalimantan. The benefits of this activity include:
1. Knowing the community's expectations and perceptions regarding infrastructure development in East Kalimantan;
2. Knowing the needs, desires, requirements and expectations of the community regarding infrastructure development;
3. As material for preparing plans and strategies (strategy and action plan) for overall performance improvement in the following year;
4. Communication media and the provincial government's commitment to improving the quality of infrastructure services to the community;
IKLI Scope
This index will measure satisfaction with basic infrastructure services in ten regencies/cities in East Kalimantan, namely: (1) Kab. Paser (2) Kab. North Penajam Paser (3) Balikpapan City (4) Kab. Kutai Kartanegara (5) Kab. West Kutai (6) Kab. Mahakam Ulu (7) Kab. East Kutai (8) Samarinda City (9) Bontang City (10) Kab. Berau.
The infrastructure sectors that will be assessed include:
1. Provision of quality roads and bridges;
2. Provision of transportation (Land and ASDP, Sea and Air);
3. Provision of clean water infrastructure;
4. Provision of Irrigation infrastructure (agriculture and raw water);
5. Provision of housing infrastructure
These five aspects are limited to provisions that fall under the authority of the Central Government and East Kalimantan Provincial Government and priority programs in the 2013 - 2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD.
Measuring the effectiveness of development for each type of infrastructure adopts and modifies the approach of Gibson, Donely, and Ivancevich, namely the systems theory approach (1997). Based on this approach, the effective criteria are: (i) physical availability (ii) physical quality (iii) appropriateness (iv) utilization (utility) and (v) employment (job creation). Apart from that, the contribution of the Infrastructure Sector to the Economy will also be added. The rationale for selecting variables as indicators of the fulfillment of effectiveness aspects includes:
1. Physical availability (availability): that in every shopping activity intended for physical activities will of course produce output in the form of physical goods. This means that physical availability must absolutely be met by physical shopping activities;
2. Physical quality (quality): the quality of the output produced. That the effectiveness aspect will be more real if the scope is wider, namely not only physical compliance but also supported by good and optimal output quality;
3. Appropriateness: suitability between policies set by the government and community needs. This is based on the premise that conformity between policies and needs will provide optimal benefits for the community as beneficiaries;
4. Utilization: the level of utilization of the output that has been produced, namely the greater the utilization of the output, the greater the level of effectiveness;
5. Absorption of labor (job creation);
6. Contribution to the economy. This is based on the idea that infrastructure development is carried out to support various economic activities, so it is necessary to assess how much infrastructure contributes to increasing economic activities in East Kalimantan.
Implementation of Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
Aims and Objectives of FGD
1. Determine indicators for measuring the quality of infrastructure services;
2. Determining the weight or level of importance includes: a). of 5 (five) types of infrastructure for development; b). from indicators measuring the quality of infrastructure services that have been determined to form an Index Value.
FGD Participants
The FGD will be attended by agencies/agencies involved in planning and implementing infrastructure development in East Kalimantan. The selection of FGD participants for indicator weighting is based on the following three criteria (1) the respondent's level of interest in infrastructure spending (2) the level of expertise/knowledge in the infrastructure sector (3) Practitioners who directly handle the infrastructure development sector
In order for the FGD to run well, the number of FGD participants is limited to a maximum of 20 people. So that those who attend are expected to truly fulfill the requirements in question.
FGD Implementation Process
Sequentially, the FGD implementation process includes the following activities:
1. FGD Participants Registration, according to the invitation given;
2. The FGD leader opens the FGD activity;
3. The FGD leader conveys the background, aims and objectives, as well as concepts related to the FGD topic;
4. Development of Assessment Indicators
FGD Leaders discussed the Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index assessment indicators. In the discussion, FGD participants discussed whether the 6 (six) existing indicators were sufficient to meet assessment needs, whether they should be added or reduced.
1. The FGD leader asked FGD participants according to their capacity to rank the new indicators according to their level of importance in assessing infrastructure service satisfaction. The sequence results were entered into the following table by the FGD participants.
2. The FGD leader asked FGD participants according to their capacity to rank the types of infrastructure according to their level of importance in forming an infrastructure service satisfaction index. The sequence results were entered into the following table by the FGD participants.
3. The meeting leader and team will enter the ranking results from the FGD participants in the weight calculation table.
The weight will be obtained after entering the ranking value in a certain formula (will be explained during the FGD).
(Data source: Regional Infrastructure Development Sector, East Kalimantan Bappeda and published by East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Public Relations/Sukandar, S.Sos).