
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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East Kalimantan Wins Award to 4 PTSP

Jakarta, 7/10.14. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government succeeded in being awarded the Integrated Service Organizer award 1a._Kaltim_raih_penghargaan_ke_4_PTSP_level_national_IMG-20141007-WA0002One Door in the Investment Sector of the Best Province, Regency and City in 2014, 4th at the National level, after East Java, South Sumatra and Regional Yogyakarta Special.

This award, which made the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the people of East Kalimantan proud, was handed over directly by the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) of the Republic of Indonesia, Mahendra Siregar, to Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta 7/10/14.

DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS expressed his gratitude to all parties, especially the Head of SKPD and related staff within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government for this proud achievement.

Meanwhile, the Head of BKPM of the Republic of Indonesia, Mahendra Siregar, said "in 2015 the investment target is targeted to increase by 15 percent". This was stated by Mahendra Siregar at the 2014 Award Award Ceremony for the Best One-Stop Integrated Service Organizers in the Investment Sector in Provinces, Regency and City at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta. Source of information on the website:

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is optimistic about achieving an increase in next year's investment target of 15 percent. This can be done if the central, provincial, district and city governments can work together to improve services and facilitate investment investment.

Mahendra explained, while the projection is that until the end of 2014, Indonesia's investment value will reach around Rp. 450 trillion.

According to Mahendra, this cannot be separated from the implementation of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia which continues to improve from time to time and must continue to be improved even though the term of the United Indonesia Cabinet Volume II (KIB) will come to an end. ending soon.2._sambutan_IMG-20141007-WA0003

"We will complete our tasks and prepare ourselves to fully support the cabinet program of President and Vice President Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla, including the program for the first 100 days," he stressed.

The Head of BKPM RI, Mahendra Siregar, added that improvements in policy reform in the investment sector will be reported to the new government so as to support a good and smooth transition period.

Moreover, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia's competitiveness ranking rose from position 58 to 34 this year from position 38. This success cannot be separated from improvements in bureaucratic reform, especially investment licensing.

"Moreover, since the third quarter of 2013, our investment realization has always been above IDR 100 trillion. And this year it is hoped that it can increase by 15 percent from last year's investment value of IDR 406 trillion. Next year, the target "the investment value increased by 15 percent," he stressed.

Mahendra hopes that this target can be supported by cooperation or collaboration from the Provincial, Regency/City regional governments and all parties through improvements and improvements to One Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) in the field of Planting Capital.

"The biggest hope is that Indonesia can become the country with the largest economy in ASEAN," he concluded.

(Source of information on the website: and republished by Humas Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S.Sos)