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Evaluation of Renstra and Renja SKPD East Kalimantan

Balikpapan, 7/10/14. The success of the implementation of development is the collaboration of all components of the community including the central government, Province and Regency/City. To achieve the success of development requires high synergy and integration both from the preparation of plans, budgeting, implementation and evaluation. The evaluation is the most important thing because it has 2 (two) functions, namely the first as an absolute basis for supporting the preparation of the development plan (function in the upstream development position) and secondly as a measure of the level of success in the implementation of development (function in the downstream position). Implementation of Evaluation of Renja Documents and SKPD Renstra and Regency/City RKPD in East Kalimantan in 2014 in the Grand Jatra Hotel Meeting Room, Balikpapan was attended by participants from the SKPD scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Regency/City in East Kalimantan in order to meet the mandate of laws and regulations. PP 08 of 2008, PP 21 of 2011, Permendagri No. 54 of 2010 and Permendagri No. 27 of 2014.

This was revealed by Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir. H. Nazrin, M.Sc and Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda when opening the Coordination Meeting of Strengthening the Understanding of the Control and Evaluation of Renja and SKPD Documents and RKPD Regency/City in East Kalimantan in 2014 in the Grand Jatra Hotel Meeting Room, Balikpapan was attended by participants From the SKPD the scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Regency/City in East Kalimantan and speakers from the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Jabal Natsir, SE and Haris Muda Nasution, SE.

h. Nazrin added that related to a very important evaluation function, then in an effort to support the implementation of special evaluation activities for the evaluation of the 2014 Regency/City RKPD results and the evaluation of the 2014 East Kalimantan Province SKPD Renstra & Renja results. To study and implement the control and evaluation of regional development planning which can in the end can produce quality planning and can support the achievement of East and National Kalimantan development targets. 5._PESTER_Tany_Tsc_0028

To support this, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan has formed the Regency/City RKPD Control and Evaluation Coordination Team as well as the East Kalimantan Province SKPD Renstra & Renj Today will look at:
1. Strengthening understanding of controlling and evaluating
2. Ensuring that the format of the 2014 Regency /City RKPD Evaluation Report has been filled in complete and correct
3. Ensuring that the 2014 SKPD Renstra and Renja Evaluation Report format has been filled in complete and correct
4. Calculate the average achievement and the title of performance up to semester I

Thus it can produce an evaluation report on the results of the Regency/City RKPD as well as an evaluation report on the results of the 2014 East Kalimantan Province SKPD and Renja Renja Renja and Renja SKPD in 2014 which is comprehensive Inhibiting the achievement of targets and support for national targets). Evaluation of the right and accurate results will be an important capital for the preparation of the future plans.

While the delivery of Jabal Natsir resource persons, SE Head of Regional Section IV A Sub Directorate of Regional Development Planning III DIRECTORATE DIRECTORATE OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING-DG BINA BANGDA-Ministry of Home Affairs Regional development with several important points, including:

1. Objectives Controlling the formulation of regional development plans and SKPD plans. Consistency and harmony between national development policies and regional development (provincial policies for regencies /cities)
b. Consistency and harmony between regional development policies specified in:
? RPJMD with RPJPD and RTRW ? RKPD with RPJMD ? SKPD Strategic Plan with RPJMD ? Renja SKPD with RKPD ? RKPD with KUA & PPAS agreed upon with the DPRD, ? Perda about the APBD with DPA-SKPD ? Changes in Regional Development Plan Documents, SKPD and APBD plans.
c. Conformity between the stages and procedures for the preparation of the Regional Development Plan carried out with those regulated in PP Number 8/2008 and Permendagri Number 54/2010.

2. Objectives of Controlling the Implementation of Regional Development Plans and SKPD Plans.

describe and ensure that:
a. The main target and policy direction of the period deals to achieve the mission and realize the vision of the long -term development of the region has been formulated in the RPJMD b. Program plan indications, performance indicators (outcomes) accompanied by medium -term funding needs (RPJMD) have been formulated in the SKPD Strategic Plan and RKPD
c. Program plans, performance indicators, activities, target groups, locations of activities, and indicative funding in the year regarding the SKPD Strategic Plan have been formulated in Renja SKPD
D. Regional annual development targets, regional priority program plans and activities, as well as RKPD indicative ceilings have been formulated in KUA-PPAS, RKA-SKPD, RAPBD, and DPA SKPD including changes.
carried out through monitoring and supervision during the preparation of regional development plans and SKPD plan.

3. Purpose of Evaluation of the Results of the Implementation of Regional Development Plan and SKPD Plan.

Assess the realization between:
a. Achievement of the main target direction of the RPJPD policy with the direction of the national long -term development policy.
b. Achievement of Program Plans and Regional Priority Activities in RKPD with Priority Program Plans and Funding Needs for RPJMD, and Realization between Program Plans and Priority Planned in the RPJMD with Priority and National Development Targets in the RPJMN and Main Targets and Policy Directions in the RPJPD and RTRW. < Br /> c. achievement of performance indicators, target groups, locations and absorption of funds and obstacles faced in the SKPD Renja with targets of performance indicators, target groups, locations and indicative funds planned in the SKPD Strategic Plan.
d. Achievement of performance indicators, target groups, locations and absorption of SKPD DPA funds with targets of performance indicators, target groups, locations and indicative funds in the SKPD Renja to formulate the constraints and problems faced to assess the realization of RKPD achievements.
carried out through the assessment of the results of the implementation of the RPJPD (at least 1 time in 5 years), RPJMD and SKPD Strategic Plan (at least 1 year), RKPD and Renja SKPD (at least 1 time each quarter) with using the realization report of each document.

(Public Relations of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).