Tuesday, 01 December 2020
2015 East Kalimantan proposed 921 Proda Recipients
Balikpapan, 23/10/14. Following up on the working visit of the East Kalimantan Province Bappenas and Bappeda team to North Penajam Paser Regency on
Wednesday, October 22, 2014. The team from the Ministry of National Development Planning /Bappenas through the Directorate of Spatial Planning and Land was led by OKE Muhammad Husen and the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Team represented by the Government and Apparatus sector led directly by the direct led by Head of Government and Apparatus, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Si with members: 1). Head of Sub -Division of Government, Dra. Tri Padianawati; 2). Head of Natural Resources and Environment Sub -Division, Ir. Budhi Apriasena; 3. Sukandar, S. Sos Implementing Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province and several Staff of the Scope of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province.
The results of a working visit to the North Penajam Paser Regency were followed by holding a coordination meeting for the Regional Agria Program (checking the list of beneficiaries of the East Kalimantan Province Proda) in the Malioboro Hotel Gran Senyiur Meeting Room, Jl. Ars. Mohammad Number 7 Balikpapan was attended by participants of approximately 50 people from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Regional Office of BPN of East Kalimantan Province, Regency Bappeda and Regency Land Office, related SKPD in the scope of the Regency Government in East Kalimantan.
The implementation of the regional agria program coordination meeting was led directly by Assistant I for the Regional Government of East Kalimantan Province, Drs. Aji Sayid Faturrahman, M.Sc. The meeting leader provides full support for regions or districts in East Kalimantan to propose the ground data that will be certified through the East Kalimantan Province Proda for the 2015 fiscal year.
In accordance with the results of checking results received and produced an agreement between the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and the Regency Government in East Kalimantan with a target of land certification that will be carried out through the Proda mechanism in East Kalimantan Province in 2015 amounting to 921 fields.
(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).