
Monday, 30 November 2020



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Industrial development and downstreaming

Balikpapan, 27/11/14. One of the items in the Agreement Coordination Meeting of Kalimantan with the theme "Harmonization, Synchronization and 1a /> Synergy and certainty of investing in a sustainable managing natural resources for the welfare of the people

This is an agreement from all Provincial Government in Kalimantan in the Coordination Meeting of Governors in Kalimantan was opened by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, H.M. Mukmin Faisyal HP, SH, MH was attended by the Governor of Central Kalimantan, the Governor of South Kalimantan and the Regional Secretary of the Province of West Kalimantan, while Acting. The Governor of North Kalimantan was not present and was also attended by officials of the Provincial Government in Kalimantan, especially from Bappeda.

The meeting of Governors in Kalimantan is a routine meeting that is incorporated in the forum of the Kalimantan Regional Revitalization Cooperation and Acceleration Forum (FKRP2RK) with the aim of discussing various programs regionally.

The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan as the Coordinator of the Kalimantan Regional Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum, abbreviated as FKRP2RK in the 2013-2014 period, was led by the Governor of East Kalimantan and the Forum Coordinator would be led by the Governor of Central Kalimantan.

This forum aims as a forum for cooperation to accelerate the improvement of the welfare of the people who are just and sustainable through: 1). Regional coordination and cooperation to accelerate development on the island of Kalimantan; 2). Sustainable economic competitiveness of regional economic competitiveness; 3). Development of the island of Kalimantan in an integrated, effective and efficient manner.

The meeting between Governors in Kalimantan in order to follow up on the direction of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of the Presidential Working Meeting together  1 Governor, Kapolda and Kabinda in Indonesia on November 4, 2014, was followed up with the Governor's Working Meeting, the Provincial Leadership Coordination Forum, DPD RI and DRP RI of the electoral district of Kalimantan, Regent/Mayor and Stakeholders in Kalimantan on November 5, 2014 at the Borobudur Hotel Jakarta.

In an effort to accelerate the improvement of the welfare of the community in Kalimantan, development cooperation is focused on 3 (three) fields of development, namely: (1) Increasing connectivity (2) Energy Fulfillment and (3) Food Security.

The focus of development is motivated by the similarity of the problems faced by the island of Kalimantan, namely despite having an abundant natural resource potential (SDA) but intra -connectivity and between regions are still low, as well as access to energy sources, fuel quota, electricity availability, and food availability (rice).

Three focus development was chosen with the intention, the first so that the discussion and proposal of the priority of the program delivered to the central government become more focused and effective and second to overcome the fundamental issue which is a strategic issue of development on the island of Kalimantan.

East Kalimantan Governor conveyed the message represented to the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan was to ensure that the discussion and proposal for the priority of the central government development needed a special strategy of the governors such as visits to the relevant ministers or visits to the economy and convey the formulation of the results of the Governor's Working Meeting in Kalimantan on November 5, 2014 at the Borobudur Hotel Jakarta. Among other things:
3._wakil_gub_dsc_ /> 1.    Does not make the island of Kalimantan only a place to take natural resources without providing benefits to the people on the island of Borneo; <R /> 2.    Propose a program/activity to solve the problem of construction of connectivity, energy security and food security is Rp.59.12 trillion. The proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of Rp. 17.04 trillion; The Ministry of Transportation is Rp.6.56 trillion; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Rp.10.44 trillion; and the Ministry of Agriculture Rp.14.87 trillion, and we hope that the proposal can be accommodated in the 2015 State Budget; <R /> 3.    To accelerate the completion of RTRW for provinces on the island of Kalimantan which has not been completed using a one -door procedure through the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Indonesia; <R /> 4.    To overcome the problem of land control in forest areas by the community, for example for the issuance of land certificates in the forest area for the community to use the legal foundation of the Joint Forestry Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Public Works and the Head of BPN on how to complete land control in the forest area , for this matter, the readiness of each provincial and district/city governments is needed to take advantage of this joint decision; <r /> 5.    To support food security the government will build an irrigation network of 1 million ha and rehabilitation of reservoirs and dams, therefore it must be ascertained that the island of Kalimantan has a part of the irrigation network development plan; <R /> 6.    Accelerate the construction of inter -provincial roads on the island of Kalimantan which is still cut off and the bridge is also building a road network to the center of the industrial area and the growth center area; <R /> 7.    Increasing the efficiency of resources in the agricultural sector, especially in land use, as well as increasing agricultural infrastructure to increase agricultural production while increasing the number of farmers' households and increasing the use of Alsintan, therefore the support of funding from the state budget for the proposal of programs/activities in the field of food security is highly expected; <R /> 8.    There must be a license for licensing in all aspects and giving them its authority to the regional government, then it is expected that the Governor of Kalimantan submitting a proposal for licensing deregulation in the energy sector to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, as a form of rearrangement of policies, especially in the energy sector on the island of Kalimantan. </p>
<p> Development priority programs are directed in efforts to utilize the potential of extraordinary natural resources with a manufacturing approach as traded not primary products but in the form of processed both inventory goods (intermediat products) and final products (processed products). </p >
<p> Serious Evidence of the Regional Government in Kalimantan Conducting Economic Transformation to Manufatur With the completion of the industrial estate in Maloy, East Kalimantan becomes MBTK based on PP. No. 85/2014 we hope to grow industrial estates in Kalimantan. </p>
<p> To support the development of an industrial area of ​​the government in Kalimantan has and will continue to pay attention to the readiness of human resources through the construction of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology, ISBI and Scholars to the doctor's program, for example Kaltim Cemerlang with a target of 250,000 scholarships in 5 years and support policy the central government to carry out a permit revolution.
<p> Implementation of the Coordination Meeting of Governors in Kalimantan who are members of the Kalimantan Regional Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation forum (FKRP2RK) with the theme 1. The central government must prioritize the development of industrial areas and downstreaming with the aim of equitable development and improving the welfare of the community on the island of Kalimantan; 2. The central government accelerates the supply of electricity energy on the island of Kalimantan through the construction of a plant, connected transmission networks, expanding distribution networks throughout Kalimantan and must be completed no later than 2017; 3. The government must immediately complete the Regional Spatial Planning of the Provincial Regional Salimantan no later than February 2015; 4. Based on the results of the study it is known that there is no relationship between massive coal exploitation on the island of Kalimantan to the welfare of the community, so in the context of controlling coal production for the greatest prosperity of the people, Governors throughout the Kalimantan are considering conducting a moratorium on shipping. coal production outside the area for a certain period of time; 5. Ask for special attention to the central government to immediately provide justice to the people of Kalimantan in all aspects of development; 6. Strengthening the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization Cooperation Forum (FKRP2K) so that it can become an effective forum in accelerating development in Kalimantan; 7. In the context of preparation for the meeting of the Governor of Kalimantan with the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2015-2020 Regional RPJMN Regional Musrenbang in Tarakan on December 10, 2014, a Governor's meeting will be held on December 9, 2014 in Tarakan for preparation for materials; 8. Related to the 2015-2020 Regional RPJMN Regional Musrenbang in Tarakan the things that will be conveyed to the President of the Republic of Indonesia include: a). Proposed Kalimantan Priority Program; b). Declaration of FKRP2RK as a Joint Forum for Kalimantan in the context of accelerating the development of the Kalimantan regional development in the field of infrastructure; Transportation, Communication and Information; Education; Health, food sovereignty; culture and tourism; Industry; Border area; c). For the border region must become a strategic program and national priority for regional resilience and improve the welfare of the community.

Photo: Doc Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos