
Sunday, 29 November 2020



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East Kalimantan Anniversary: ​​Momentum Prosperity of the People

Samarinda, Friday 9/1/15. Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, H.M. Mukmin Faisal, SH., M.Hum representing the Governor of East Kalimantan Dr.H. Awang 1a
<p> Implementation of the 58th anniversary of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government was attended by the Chairman of the East Kalimantan Provincial Parliament, H.M. Syahrun, Regent/Mayor in East Kalimantan, officials of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government of East Kalimantan/City in East Kalimantan, Pajabat Scope of the Demand/Institution of the Republic of Indonesia in East Kalimantan, District/City Sub -District of East Kalimantan, community leaders and religious leaders. </p>
<p> In his remarks, H.M. Mukmin Faisal said that in line with efforts to realize the vision of East Kalimantan 2018, namely

All of the programs with the aim of prospering the people of East Kalimantan This is emphasized by the Deputy Governor in his welcome that "East Kalimantan Anniversary is made a momentum in the welfare of the people of East Kalimantan".

Panji-Panji Success of Development to the Regency / City Government which is considered successful in increasing development in their respective regions, in accordance with the general criteria set by the Regional Research and Development Agency of the Province of East Kalimantan, and developed by the SKPD which has received a national level award.

In the implementation of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Anniversary in 2014, 46 fields of awards were given, so in 2015 it increased to 51 Panji successful development.

The district / city governments that won the Panji-Panji successful development awards include: 1). Kutai Kartanegara Regent: 17 Panji Success; 2. Mayor of Balikpapan: 16 Panji Success; 3). Berau Regent: 6 Panji Success; 4). Mayor of Samarinda: 4 Panji Success; 5). Mayor of Bontang: 4 Panji Success; 6). East Kutai Regent: 3 Panji Success; 7). Paser Regent: 2 Panji Success; 8). West Kutai Regent: 1 Panji Success; 9). PPU Regent: 1 Panji Success. Only 1 Mahulu Regency, which is the youngest district government in East Kalimantan, has not yet received a banner of development success.

Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan hopes that the banner of the success of the development and awards achieved by the Mayor / Regent in East Kalimantan can spur enthusiasm in togetherness to be better at work, work, achievement and devote better for development in the future and will have an impact on improving the welfare of the community. (Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).
