Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Improvement of the people of East Kalimantan people
Samarinda, 23/3/15. The development program of East Kalimantan Province must focus on the leading sector of the downstream area so that it can
We are grateful, that the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan development policy has been in harmony with the 2015-2019 RPJMN development policy, which focuses on 6 superior sectors, namely the food, energy, Kamaritiman, Tourism, Infrastructure and Human Resources sectors.
On this occasion, for the preparation of policy directions and priority development programs in 2016 it is important for us to stand on what we have achieved in 2014, while 2015 we still don't know because it is still on going. We are proud that based on the results of the 2014 development performance evaluation as the first year the implementation of the 2013-2018 RPJMD has made many achievements, we can see this from the GRDP which reached Rp401.77 trillion with an economic growth rate of 2.85% above 2013 which was only 1 which was only 1 , 45%, unemployment decreased 7.74%, poverty 6.42%and HDI 77.33 which ranks fourth nationally.
The problem of the main substance of the development of East Kalimantan is still a tough homework for us. We see that our export performance also continues to increase reaching Rp. 458.59 trillion, but 94.58 percent contributions from coal, natural gas, crude oil and oil and gas industry products.
Government policy for processing and refining minerals before being exported, so that there is an increase in added value through Law No.4 of 2009 and followed by PP No. 1 of 2014 is still empty. Also look at the GRDP per capita of East Kalimantan Rp. 119.47 million which is the highest nationally, but the income per capita is only Rp. 47.52 million which shows that nearly 60% of the GRDP produced by East Kalimantan Bumi is not enjoyed by the population of East Kalimantan.
Seeing and Assessing the history of the economy of East Kalimantan which depends a lot on non -renewable resources, obtained several predictions of the impact if East Kalimantan does not immediately swerve from the current main economic activity base, namely the mining sector whose contribution ranges from 45% of the GRDP. / P>
The thing done by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan is to take decisive steps by issuing economic transformation policies from the initial economic sector that did not can be updated to the renewable economic sector through the development of the agro -industry, industrial and creative economy sectors. This transformation effort is carried out with the concept of green economic growth or green growth
Therefore, it is very appropriate if this forum raises the theme which is also the theme of RKPD in 2016 such as the Mandate of the 2013-2018 RPJMD, namely: Increasing the added value of regional superior products and the scaling of intra and between regions. " that there are consequences and demands for us to select the leading economic sector that has an economy scale, which can make the regional economy grow and can provide extensive multtplier effects for expanding employment opportunities.
In order for the development of regional leading economic sectors to be able to spur economic growth, it is necessary to develop industrial areas with an industrial cluster approach. In accordance with the 2013-2018 RPJMD target, at least 8 industrial areas spread evenly in 10 regencies/cities in East Kalimantan as mandated by the 17th Regional Regulation of 2018 we can realize, namely: (1) Paser Agriculture Industrial Estate and PPU, (2) Region Kariangau Industry Balikpapan & Buluminung PPU, (3) Samarinda Service and Trade Industrial Estate, (4) Kukar and Kubar Agricultural Industrial Estate, (5) Bontang Petrochemical Industrial Estate, (6) Industrial Estate and International Port of Maloy Kutim, (7) Industrial Estate of Derawan Tourism, Berau and (8) Border Strategic Areas, Mahulu. Each district/city certainly also has strategic industrial areas, but at least in the context of the development of the East Kalimantan region, we can focus more on the development of these priority industrial estates, while facilitating us in measuring the criteria for its success.
The industrial sector is a major component of regional economic development, which has the potential to be able to contribute a large regional economy through added value, employment and foreign exchange, but is also able to make a large contribution in the cultural transformation of the nation towards the modernization of community life that supports the formation of power Competitive area.
In an effort to realize a priority industrial area, it is necessary to support the acceleration of infrastructure development both road infrastructure, ports, airports that are connected to connectivity - intra -mode so that they are able to reduce the cost of transportation which is currently still a burden to encourage the competitiveness of the regional economy. In addition, the issue of electricity, clean water and utilities needed by the industrial area and community settlements also needs serious attention. But also, licensing problems need to be reformed through a faster one -door integrated service (PTSP), clearly the target of time and transparent.
Assistant for Economic and Development Field believes that we all agree why economic growth is important. If the economy grows, unemployment decreases and poverty is reduced. And also no less important, regional revenue increases so that there are sufficient funds to finance development, build road infrastructure, schools, Puskemas and others.
At the end of his remarks Assistant II for Economic and Development of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province, Ir. Muhammad Sa'bani, M.Si conveyed the position of the regency/city proposal that has been inputted in the East Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) which is the material for the discussion of today and tomorrow, namely: Number of Programs 30, Number of Activities 653 with a total budget of Rp. 1.45 trillion. with details: 1). Berau Sebasar Rp. 260.81 billion; 2). Kubar Rp. 122.97 billion; 3). Kukar Rp. 42.24 billion; 4). Paser Rp. 122.95 m; 5). PPU Rp. 222.80 m; 6). Balikpapan Rp. 48.79 AD; 7). 38.74 m; 8). Samarinda, Rp. 0; 9). Mahulu Rp. 109.01 and Kutim Rp. 486.48 billion.
Economic Assistant and Development of East Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat reminds that this forum is truly able to harmonize development priority programs/activities in accordance with the focus of development in 2016, namely increasing regional economic added value and regional connectivity to become material in the preparation of the year RKPD draft 2016.
(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).