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2015 Pre Musrenbangnas Socialization

Jakarta, 10/4/15. The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas held a Socialization of the Pre -Musrenbangnas Forum Year 2015 against Bappeda Province in Indonesia in the ground floor meeting room which was attended by participants of approximately 400 people including participants from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda.

In accordance with directions from the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas that the agenda of the implementation of the Pre -Musrenbangnas on 16 to 24 April 2015 at the Bappenas Office of Jalan Taman Suropati Number 2 Menteng Central Jakarta and the closure of Pre Musrenbangnas on April 28, 2015. While the implementation of the Musrenbangnas on April 29, 2015 implementation is also in the same place.

Guide to the Pre -Musrenbangnas mechanism delivered by the speaker or resource person included:
1. Pre Musrenbangnas was held to discuss the synergy of K/L and the regions towards the achievement of the Nawa Cita agenda target, which was divided into the Agenda Discussion Group: (i) Mental Revolution, (ii) Food Sovereignty, (iii) Energy Sovereignty, (iv) Maritime, (V) ) Industry and Tourism, (VI) Border of State and Disadvantaged Regions, and (VII) Education, and (VIII) Health; 2. Each discussion agenda group there are several ministries/institutions that take part in group sessions whose programs will be integrated in achieving the agenda of Nawa Cita in each province; 3. Each discussion session at each group of 1.5 hours long agenda to discuss the integration of programs/activities in one province; 4. Each session, discusses the ratio material for provincial proposals and ministries/institutions plans that have been classified in achieving the Nawa Cita agenda above; 5. The discussion will end with the signing of the discussion agreement by the Provincial Bappeda, several related ministries/institutions, and the Coordinator of the Group Session (Deputy/Director of Bappenas); 6. The Deputy Coordinator of the Session Group ensured that the discussion was focused on each target of the Nawa Cita agenda; 7. The Deputy Coordinator was accompanied by the Director of the Core Sector and the Head of the Ministry/Institution Planning Bureau in charge of the Agenda (Lead Sector): a). Karoren Ministry for Food Sovereignty; b). Karoren Kemen ESDM for energy sovereignty; c). Karoren KKP for maritime; d). Karoren Ministry of Tourism, Karoren of the Ministry of Industry, and Secretary of KEK for Tourism and Industry; e). Karoren Kemenbuddikdasmen for mental and education revolution; f). Karoren Kemenkes for health; g). Karoren BNPP and Karoren Kemendes PDTT for borders of the State and Disadvantaged Regions; 8. Other related sector directors also assist in each group in accordance with the discussion group, if there are several groups that require assistance, then other groups can assign Kasubdit/related staff; 9. Deputy Coordinator invites the Head of the K/L Planning Bureau in charge of the agenda (lead sector) to convey the policies and distribution of targets to be achieved in the province concerned in 2016 (for example: how much, how many tons of production, how long, how many, and in which district/city) briefly;
10. Coordinator will direct the course of the discussion to confirm the target of Nawa Cita based on the K /L program and proposals from the local government and the target of Nawa Cita based on the location;
11.DUJU Coordinator assigns 2 staff in his environment to become a note: a). Notulis-1 is tasked with operating the e-Musrenbang matrix as a discussion material; b). Notulis-2 is tasked with recording the course of the discussion.

While the task of the Ministry /Institution in charge of the agenda (lead sector) in accompanying the Deputy Coordinator is:
1. Prepare data on the target distribution of the achievement of the Nawa Cita agenda: (i) Mental Revolution, (ii) Food Sovereignty, (iii) Energy Sovereignty, Maritime (iv) Maritime, (V) Tourism and Industry, (VI) State and Disadvantaged Borders, and (( vii) education, and (viii) health in each province/region for 2016 briefly; 2. Assist the Deputy Coordinator to complete the explanation/response regarding the policies and strategies of achieving the Nawa Cita agenda in each province/region; 3. As a lead sector, oversee the commitment of support for other ministries/institutions and the commitment of the Regional Government in achieving the integrated Nawa Cita agenda.

While the pre-massbangnas mechanism guidelines for local governments are:
1. Each discussion session of the local government is given the opportunity to involve a maximum of 10 people (the provincial Bappeda is allowed to involve the provincial SKPD related to the agenda group); 2. If there is a session where one province must discuss in 2 agenda groups in the same time/session, for that it is necessary to regulate representatives of the provincial Bappeda and related provincial SKPD to enter the two groups of agendas. Each province is a maximum of 10 people; 3. The spokesman in the discussion is the provincial Bappeda, while the Provincial SKPD is allowed to speak briefly as long as given the opportunity by the Provincial Bappeda; 4. After finishing discussing a representative agenda of the Head of Bappeda or representing it will sign the Minutes of Agreement; 5. After the province has finished discussing one group of agenda it will move to other agenda groups according to the schedule; 6. Each session, ministries/institutions assign its planning bureau and/or technical unit to attend the agenda group that requires the support of programs/activities from the ministries/institutions (see distribution of forum participants); 7. Against the ministries/institutions that are responsible for the agenda (lead sector), the Head of the Planning Bureau accompanied the Deputy Coordinator of the Group Session; 8. Against the ministries/institutions needed in several agenda groups as far as possible assign officials/staff who can make decisions; 9. Every change in the session, ministries/institutions will remain in the group space, which changes spaces is the regional government;
10. After completing a province of representatives of the ministry/institution, it will sign the Minutes of Agreement.

While the pre-Musrenbangnas mechanism guidelines for the Ministry /Institution include: 1. Each session, ministries/institutions assign its planning bureau and/or technical unit to attend the agenda group that requires the support of programs/activities from the ministries/institutions (see distribution of forum participants); 2. Against the ministries/institutions that are responsible for the agenda (lead sector), the Head of the Planning Bureau accompanied the Deputy Coordinator of the Group Session; 3. Against the ministries/institutions needed in several agenda groups as far as possible assign officials/staff who can make decisions; 4. Every change in the session, ministries/institutions will remain in the group space, which changes spaces is the regional government; 5. After completing discussing a province of representatives of the Ministry/Institution, it will sign the Minutes of Agreement.

In the end of the delivery of his presentation the resource person conveyed the mechanism for the implementation of the Pre-Musrenbangnas forum to receive the attention of the participants who were present in order to provide socialization in the regions, among others:
1. The forum was held for 7 days (April 16-24, 2015); 2. The number of provinces present per day is 4-5 provinces, and what is discussed is per province in each discussion session; 3. The ministries/institutions (K/L) present are K/L as the lead sector of each Nawa Cita and K/L agenda which has a program/activity supporting Nawa Cita achievement; 4. 1.5 hours allocation for each discussion (starting at 8:30 ended at 17:20); 5. Each group discusses the ratio of regional proposals and K/L plans; 6. The discussion is focused on the achievement of each target of the Nawa Cita agenda in each province;
7. Discussion is directed at the realization of synergy between K/L programs in achieving each target of the Nawa Cita agenda.

(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).