Hearing on the Regional Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities (RAD PD) for East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda (03/11/2023), Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province received an audience visit from SIGAB (Sasana Inclusion & Disabled Advocacy Movement) to encourage Social Inclusion and Fulfillment of Disability Rights in Regional Police Rooms, East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Office.
This hearing was guided directly by Mr. Mispoyo as Head of Government and Human Development (PPM) of the East Kalimantan Bappeda and accompanied by the Young Expert Planner for PPM, Mr. Asfiandi Zulfiar.
The main aim of this hearing is to create social inclusion in East Kalimantan Province with a larger scope and ensure the fulfillment of the rights of the target group of people with disabilities or disabilities.
One indicator of success in achieving inclusiveness is increasing access for people with disabilities to various public services. Such as population identity, social protection, health services, education and also legal assistance. Apart from that, this hearing also aims to increase the active participation of people with disabilities in decision making and development processes in East Kalimantan.
This hearing is also part of efforts to collaborate between Bappeda Kaltim and SIGAB in supporting the Regional Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities (RAD PD) in East Kalimantan Province.
RAD PD is an initiative that aims to create a more inclusive society, where the needs and rights of people with disabilities are prioritized in development planning.
This hearing was also attended by representatives from the Indonesian Association of Disabled Women (HWDI), the Indonesian Association of Disabled People (PPDI), as well as a number of academics from the Faculty of Law, Mulawarman University (FH Unmul).
This audience visit is an important step in encouraging efforts for social inclusion and fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities in East Kalimantan. Hopefully this collaboration will bring great benefits to the entire community, including people with disabilities in East Kalimantan Province.
#hearings for regional action plans for people with disabilities2023