
Wednesday, 24 February 2021



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Hearing Plan for Maintaining Green Development Activities

Samarinda, (02/23/2021) . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda received an audience visit from the East Kalimantan Climate Change Regional Council (DDPI) in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Renja Meeting Room, Tuesday, 11/23/2021. Hearings carried out in order to equalize the perception of how to mainstream green development of the RPJMD and harmonize with the role of DDPI East Kalimantan in coordinating the implementation of climate change control. The meeting was attended by 7 people consisting of elements of DDPI East Kalimantan, the Nusantara Alam Conservation Foundation, and East Kalimantan Bappeda by complying with the health protocol.

Daily Chair of DDPI Kaltim, Prof. Dr. Daddy Ruhiyat, explained that currently DDPI East Kalimantan together with the Nusantara Natural Conservation Foundation and Jellung Consulting are currently carrying out a series of activities in the context of the formation of green development into the development plan document and raising the commitment of regional leadership elements.

"Basically, the problem encountered in grounding the commitment of green development in the development plan is that it has not been fully understood by stakeholders or has not become a joint awareness in the implementation in the field, which has an impact on the welfare of the community," said the Chairman of the East Kalimantan DDPI Daily in the audience at the East Kalimantan Bappeda Office.

Furthermore, the expected result is the formation of the regency/city Regional Leadership Learning Platform (LPUPD) on green development and the implementation of assistance for the regencies/cities selected in the main priority of green development into the RPJMD.

Responding to the intentions, objectives, and hopes of East Kalimantan DDPI in the audience, the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Prof. Dr. Ir.H. M. Aswin, M.M., welcomed the joint effort in green development which is part of the sustainable development and environmentally friendly.

"In the future, we will try the meeting to discuss this together with related stakeholders and regencies/cities specifically discussing this green development, so that there is the same thought in sustainable development and environmental insight and in line with the RPJMD document", said the Head of the Kaltim Bappeda.

Also giving a response, the Head of Economic Bappeda East Kalimantan, Saur Parsaoran T, S.Pi., Memd., Regarding the assistance that will be carried out by DDPI for the regencies/cities selected in the priority of green construction into the RPJMD, it is also expected to be able to provide assistance in the preparation of derivatives from the RPJMD to Renstra related to this.

(Humasbapandalaltim/FAT/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)