Hearing related to the Fresh USAID project
Wednesday, 12/01/2022. Having previously faced the Governor of East Kalimantan, the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda accompanied by the Head of the Economy and Natural Resources Continuing Hearing Activities for the Implementation of the Fresh USAID Project with the Regional Apparatus.
Audience/Fresh Project Team Visit from the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas was carried out in the framework of cooperation between the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas and USAID in running the Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions project 2021-2025 in East Kalimantan Province which included Kab. East Kutai, Mahakam Ulu, and Berau.
The targets and targets of fresh projects include:
- At the end of the fifth year, Indonesia can increase development goals in a balanced manner by prioritizing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use which includes economic development and inclusive livelihoods.
- At the level of subnational jurisdiction (province and district) which has an area with high conservation and carbon stock values, has an improvement in the management of natural resources that are measured by biodiversity conservation, reducing emissions due to greenhouse gases from non -sustainable land use, and promoting sustainable economic growth.
- Strengthening inclusive environmental governance in fresh work areas, in order to advance biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and sustainable land use.
- Increasing the implementation of the purpose of environmental sustainability and social supply of natural resource -based commodity production supplies by the private sector that can reduce the threat of biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from land use.
#baped mutiled
#economy environmentaltime
#sustainable development