Hearing Regarding the USAID SEGAR Project
Wednesday, 12/01/2022. After previously meeting with the Governor of East Kalimantan, the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda accompanied by the Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division continued the audience activities on the implementation of the USAID SEGAR Project with related Regional Apparatus.
The Audience/Visit of the SEGAR Project Team from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas was carried out in the context of collaboration between the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and USAID in implementing the Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) Project for the 2021-2025 Period in East Kalimantan Province which includes Kab. East Kutai, Mahakam Ulu, and Berau.
The SEGAR Project Targets and Objectives include:
- By the end of the fifth year, Indonesia can advance development goals in a balanced manner by prioritizing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use that includes inclusive economic development and livelihood sources.
- At the subnational jurisdiction level (provinces and districts) which have areas with high conservation value and carbon stocks, have measurable improvements in natural resource management by conserving biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promote sustainable economic growth.
- Strengthen inclusive environmental governance in SEGAR's work areas, to advance biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management and sustainable land use.
- Increased implementation of environmental and social sustainability goals in the supply chain of natural resource-based commodity production by the private sector which is able to reduce threats to biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from land use.
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