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Bappeda East Kalimantan Implement Halal Bi Halal

samarinda, 19/07/2017. Welcoming Eid al -Fitr 1438 H in the parking lot of the office.

Gathering of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Family every year continues to be done in order to continue to establish mutual friendship and shake hands as an expression of mutual forgiveness. also in the sense of friendship in the lives of Indonesian people or Muslims is a tradition of gathering with extended families or invitations in a certain place to shake hands as an expression of mutual forgiveness so that What is forbidden to be halal is called "Halal Bi Halal".
quoting articles from with the title Silaturahmi & "Halal Bi Halal" it can be that halal bi halal (halal with halal, mutual justifier) ​​even though the name uses Arabic language (lafadz) and has been institutionalized among the population Indonesia in the time of the Prophet and also the times afterwards were not found. Until the current century; both in Arab countries and in other Islamic countries (except in Indonesia) this tradition is not popular or not found. Whereas in Indonesia, this tradition has only begun to be held in the form of ceremonies around the late 1940s and began to develop wide after the 1950s. (Islamic Encyclopedia, 2000) Indonesian Encyclopedia, 1978, said Halal Bi Halal came from Arabic language (lafadz) that was not based on Arabic grammar (Nahwu Science), as a substitute for the term friendship. Comes from people who do not understand Arabic, but still love Islam.

Today, halal bi halal is held almost by all levels of Indonesian Muslim society, both by groups from a particular region, extended family, work groups , trader groups, socio-political organizations of private company institutions and government agencies. Thus joined in several different groups participating in halal bi halal activities. The origin of the halal bi halal tradition, from which area, who started and when the activity began to be held difficult to know with certainty. Because, the tradition of "worship sungkem" (came facing to express respect and devotion to parents, older people, or higher social status) has been entrenched and there are almost all tribes in Indonesian society.
< Br /> Study of the term halal bi halal.

to avoid misunderstanding of meaning, as well as the use of halal bi halal sentences, which in tradition in Indonesia, is a substitute for friendship, it seems not wrong If a review of the term, both in terms of word meaning, language uslub, history of the development of meaning, as well as linguistics. Halal, interpreting the term halal bi halal by "free to free" or "mutual apology and forgive mistakes and sins". So the word halal here, interpreted "free" or "sorry".

the word al-halal according to Luwes Ma'luf (1927: 142) means dhiddul haram (instead of haram). And the word al-haram means; prevented, forbidden, not allowed, taken from the word there are "prevent". Thus the word halal means "may" or "not prevented" this is in line with what was stated by Abdul Hamid Hakim (TT: 13) which interpreted al-Halal as a form of al-Mubah or al-Jaizu means "may" (not forbidden) . Thus, the halal bi halal sentence, meaning "may be by being allowed", not free to free each other or forgive each other. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).