Bappeda Kaltim attended the Formal and Informal Children's Data Seminar on the scope of urban and rural areas of East Kalimantan Province
Hi, friend planning!
today, Tuesday (10/17/2023), the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Representative attended the Data Seminar on Formal and Informal Children's Labor Data Scope Prov East Kalimantan at the Selayca Mulia Samarinda Hotel.
In the activity opened by the Head of DKP3A Kaltim, Hj. Noryani Sorayalita, S.E., MMT and attended by around 39 participants consisting of elements of regional apparatus related to the East Kalimantan and Regency/City Provincial Government, East Kalimantan DPRD (attended by Deputy Chairman of Commission IV, Mrs. Hj. Puji Setyowati), tertiary elements in East Kalimantan, and Other related stakeholders.
Ms. Noryani Sorayalita said that this activity was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's direction related to women's empowerment and child protection, where one of the directions was a decrease in child labor.
further conveyed, based on the BPS 2022 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), the percentage of child labor in East Kalimantan Province was 1.17 % with the percentage of child labor in Indonesia in 2022, On the other hand DKI Jakarta Province is a province with the lowest percentage of child labor (0.41 percent) in Indonesia.
Therefore, through this activity it is expected to be able to optimize the joint efforts of all parties to work together in the reduction of child labor in the East Kalimantan area through advice and input from all relevant parties.
As information, this seminar was led by a moderator from the HI Lecturer at the University of NU Kaltim, Mrs. Sari Mulyani, S. Sos, M.A. And present 4 speakers, including from:
- Kemenppa Mrs. Lies Rosdianty, M.Sc.;
- The Center for Gender Equality and Child Protection of LP2M Unmul Ibu Dr. Yayuk Anggraini, M.Sc;
- East Kalimantan Social Service, Mr. Asriansyah, S.E.; and
- BPS East Kalimantan, Mrs. Ir. Emmy Maksum M.Si.
#Decrease in Child Works
#government and human development 2023