Geospatial Technical Guidance
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held a technical guidance for the Geospatial Information Network at the UPTD Public Works Office I of East Kalimantan Province. This bimtek was carried out for 2 (two) days from 30 to 31 May 2022.
This activity aims to increase jigd to be better than before. And it is hoped that in order to compile a good jigd can be deepened by the sciences that will be given by BIG in terms of geospatial and metadata management.
This bimtek was attended by the East Kalimantan Province Jigd Data Producer, Wali One East Kalimantan Data (Communication and Information Office), Manager of Regency/City Jigd, First Expert Mapping Surveyor. The event was opened by Rina Juliati as the Head of PPEPD and Mr. Rahman Rifai as the Head of the PPIG Center for Geospatial Information Agency.
In the National Geospatial Information Network Data Manufacturers are responsible for carrying out the collection, processing, storage, and use of DG and IG. Walidata is tasked with carrying out the storage, security, and dissemination of DG and IG.
For districts/cities that do not yet have geoportal are expected to follow the bimtek that has been carried out by the East Kalimantan Bappeda and immediately build geoportal to make it faster and better integrated with the geoportal of East Kalimantan Province in order to improve the quality of development planning in East Kalimantan Province.
In this bimtek the material for the introduction of DG, IG, and KUGI management is given as well as the introduction of quality management.
#baped mutiled