
Saturday, 25 September 2021



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Bimtek PUGPPRG HR Capacity Increasing Politics and Legal Affairs in Prov. East Kalimantan

Wednesday, September 22, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended virtual technical guidance activities Increasing HR capacity Increasing Gender Mainting Gender Planning Gender Responsive Budget Planning (PUG/PPRG) in Politics and Law in Prov. Kaltim.

This activity is held in the context of accelerating the implementation of gender mainstreaming (PUG) by integrating gender perspectives into government work plans.

was opened by the Deputy for Gender Equality Lenny N Rosalin, this activity was attended by Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, P3A and KB Office, Inspectorate, BPKAD, Village Community Empowerment Office, Education and Culture Office, Industry and MSME Office, Social Service, Health Office, and Kesbangpol Agency.

Gender mainstreaming is a strategy to achieve and justice gender equality through policies, programs, and activities that pay attention to experience, appreciation, needs, and problems of men and women in the process of planning, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluating from all aspects of development life.

pug is implemented in planning, budgeting, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating national development policies, programs and activities that have gender perspective. The integration of gender issues in planning documents includes gender responsive performance mapping, namely mapping and providing disaggregated data related to performance indicators; sectoral gender analysis; and integrate gender issues.

This bimtek aims to increase the capacity of human resources in a sustainable manner, especially human resources at the local government level in order to compile and evaluate development planning documents properly and correctly in the political and legal fields; Provide references for local government apparatus in developing strategic gender integration carried out through planning and increasing the understanding of the planner components of the implementation of PPRG in each institution.