Bimtek Procedure for imposing light disciplinary sentences against civil servants
Tuesday, 05/17/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Sc was present at the implementation of the "Bimtek Procedure for Imposing Light Disciplinary Penalties on PNS" organized by the East Kalimantan Provincial Personnel Agency at the Jatra Balikpapan Hotel.
at the event which was attended by representatives of all regional apparatuses within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, present as the resource person in the Bimtek activity Mr. Sutarwo, Kasubbid Dukkum and Discipline ASN ASN Regional Personnel Agency of East Kalimantan Province.
some important things that can be summarized in the implementation of this bimtek include
(1) The basis of the regulation that forms the basis of PNS Discipline is Government Regulation (PP) No.94 of 2021 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants.
(2) BKN Regulation No.21 of 2010 has been revoked and not valid, then using BKN Regulation No.6 of 2022 concerning Perlak PP No.94 of 2021.
(3) Definition of Disciplinary Violations is every statement, writing, or actions of civil servants who do not obey the obligations and/or violate prohibitions on the provisions of civil servants, both carried out inside and outside working hours.
(4) a form of mild discipline can be in the form of oral reprimands (for civil servants who do not come to work without cumulative reasons for 3 working days in 1 year), written reprimands (for civil servants who do not come to work without a cumulative legitimate reason for 4-6 working days in 1 year), as well as not satisfied in writing (for civil servants who do not go to work for 3 years of work in 1 year) year).
(5) officials who are authorized to punish the president, staffing officials, heads of Indonesian representatives, high-ranking officials or other equivalent officials, high-ranking officials or other equivalent officials, administrator officials or other equivalent officials, supervisors or other equivalent officials.
(6) At present, direct officials/superiors can give punishment to staff who are directly below it.
#baped mutiled
#bimtekpp94 years 2021