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Performance Achievements of the 2015 East Kalimantan RPJMD

Samarinda, Monday 21/12/2015. Development of East Kalimantan in the last 20 years since 2005 based on the plan The next target that has been set to be achieved in the 3rd period of the RPJMD (2013-2018) can be summarized into five main things that are integrated, among others:
1 . Improve the quality of human resources; 2. Improvement of governance; 3. An increase in the role of renewable natural resources in the economy; 4. Equitable infrastructure based on region; 5. Improvement of environmental quality.

Determination of the above targets in fact must consider the issue and social-political dynamics and the local, national and even global environment faced in starting the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD. The issue and change referred to is the increasingly scarcity of natural resources that are not renewed, at least the last five years have become the main pillars of the Provincial Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), efforts to carry out acceleration of 3T regional development (outermost, leading and lagging) after the formation of the new province of North Kalimantan ( Kaltara) which took 5 (five) regencies/cities of East Kalimantan in the north, plans to determine 5 (five) provinces in Kalimantan as an energy center within the framework of the Master Plan for the Acceleration of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI), and global demands for reducing carbon emissions, especially from the sector Land -based development results in deforestation and forest degradation. All of this is the input from the preparation of the Vision and Mission of the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD in 2013-2018.

In an effort to achieve the development target of East Kalimantan in accordance with the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in this case Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province conducted an evaluation of the second year of the RPJMD Joint Team from Mulawarman University Samarinda.

evaluation of the achievements /performance of regional development in this case based on the 2013-2018 Year East Kalimantan RPJMD (2015) is basically a series of planning that is always carried out regularly every year (done at the end of the fiscal year). 13a._pj_wota_samarinda

In principle, methodological evaluation still refers to priority indicators (main performance indicators/IKU) and outcomes indicators for each planned activity program in the 2013-2018 ALTIMD RPJMD. The achievements are based on input from the Regional Work Unit (SKPD, which are as well as stated in the achievements of the Strategic Plan (Renstra) and the SKPD Work Plan (Renja) as well as considering the achievement of the use of the budget in the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD).

Intent of Implementation of the 2nd Year East Kalimantan RPJMD Evaluation (2015) is to get an overview of the category of achievement/success and at the same time the process that must be passed in development for the realization of the vision and mission of the Governor/Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan period 2013 -2018 that has been determined.

Legal Basis Evaluation of Regional Development Achievements/Performance in this case is based on the 2013-2018 Year East Kalimantan RPJMD (2015), among others:
1. Law No. 25 of 2004, concerning the Development Planning System; 2. Government Regulation No. 8 of 2008, concerning the Stages of Procedures for the Preparation of Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans;
3. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 54 of 2010, concerning Implementation of Government Regulation No. 8 of 2008;
4. Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No, 27 of 2014, concerning Control and Evaluation of Regional Development Plans;
5. Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2014 concerning Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of East Kalimantan Province in 2013-2018;
6. Regional Work Unit Budget Implementation Document (DPA-SKPD) of East Kalimantan Province Number dated December 1, 2014.

Objectives From the implementation of the second year of the 2013-2018 RPJMD RPJMD are:
1. Evaluate the achievement of targets and targets (according to the IMPACTS indicators and outcomes indicators);
2. Analyzing supporting and inhibiting factors in accordance with the dynamics that develop in the achievement of targets;
3. Formulate recommendations as input to perfect and rationalize the targets or processes in achieving the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD target for the following years.

TARGET RPJMD East Kalimantan 2013-2018

Target of the East Kalimantan RPJMD in 2013-2018 as many as 19 targets in accordance with the mandate written in Regional Regulation No. 7 of 2014 concerning the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province to support the achievement of the Vision and Mission of East Kalimantan 2018. The results of the 2015 East Kalimantan development target were 84.21 % had met the target, 10.53 % towards the target and 5.62 % had not yet reached the target and 23.53 % had not yet reached the target.

Of the 19 development targets in the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD as many as 17 development targets have reached the target, 1 target is going towards the target, while 1 target is still experiencing obstacles.

This was revealed when the evaluation team from Mulawarman University Samarinda delivered the results of the team's evaluation during the Working Meeting of the Governor of East Kalimantan with Regents/Mayors in East Kalimantan, all SKPD scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan , SKPD Regency/City Government in East Kalimantan, Vertical Agencies in East Kalimantan in the Lamin Etam Meeting Room of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Samarida Friday, 12/18/2015.

For targets that have not been achieved, it is necessary to identify inhibitors and efforts that are carried out for accelerating their achievements. While for targets that have reached the target, it is necessary to see the supporting factors in order to be a learning for targets that have not yet reached the target.

Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos