Saturday, 07 January 2023
Coffe Morning in the context of coordinating program implementation in the scope of the economy and development administration
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the Coffee Morning event which was held in the context of the implementation of the program on the scope of the economy and development administration which was carried out at the Office of Food, Food Crops, and Horticulture Office Prov. Kaltim, Tuesday (03/01/2023).
the meeting chaired by Plt. Assistant II Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province, Bpk. Ujang Rachmad and attended by ± 27 participants consisting of elements of the leadership of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government was a follow -up to the direction of the Governor & Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan in the Tepra Meeting on the scope of the Assistant of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. East Kalimantan in December 2022 then to consolidate and coordinate with the relevant OPD before then important matters are discussed further.
In the meeting, Mr. Ujang gave direction to all meeting participants present to start making cascading (translation) of performance over their respective Strategic Plans because it was related to the regional development plan (RPD) 2024-2026 and the next RPJMD in the planning process.
Furthermore, a discussion of the programs and activities that became special concerns of each OPD for synergy and coordination of the OPD. In this regard, all OPD leaders are expected to compile a Special attention work list matrix (Program/Activity/PBJ/Supporting Regional Regulation needed) and will be discussed at the next meeting in the second week of January 2023.
#Coordination of program implementation
#Scope of Economy and Administration of Development