
Tuesday, 27 July 2021



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Book desimination secures sanitation services in the Covid-19 pandemic

Wednesday 7 July2021, Book Dissemination Secure Sanitation Services in Pandemi Covid 19

The event was opened with a speech delivered by the Chief of Wash Unicef, and continued his remarks by the Director of Sanitation of the Ministry of PUPR. Then continued the remarks as well as the opening delivered by the Director of Housing and Settlement of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas after that was continued with the launch of "Books Securing Sanitation Services in Pandemi Covid-19"

It is hoped that the purpose of this dissemination activity can inform practical steps in maintaining sanitation services in the Covid-19 Pandemic period, discussing the challenges and solutions that are successfully implemented by sanitation service providers in the region and identify the next steps to encourage all sanitation service providers in the region in maintaining and optimizing sanitation services in the Pandemic period.