Interactive Dialogue of Archipelago Aspiration (RRI Samarinda)
Friday, 06/17/2022. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda at the same time (Acting Assistant 2 Secretary of Prov. East Kalimantan), Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. H.M. Aswin, MM became a guest speaker in the Interactive Dialogue of the Archipelago Aspiration held by RRI Samarinda which was broadcast through RRI Pro 1 Samarinda Radio Broadcast, Zoom Meeting and RRI Youtube channel. The topic raised in this dialogue is "Impact of IKN on Regional Infrastructure Development in East Kalimantan".
Prof. Aswin said that he saw it impossible for the central government to want the territory in the sparkling IKN but in other areas in East Kalimantan pitch black. The central government will certainly be ashamed if these conditions occur. We can see that in Java it is well built because it is close to the national capital. Prof. Aswin then added that he believed that with the construction of IKN in East Kalimantan, of course, the proposal for funds, especially for handling and building roads in East Kalimantan, would be very easy. Infrastructure development is also not limited to roads, but also other infrastructure such as telecommunications, ports and others will be built as well. He also added that in his delivery of the issue of concern about the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan, when viewed in the context of infrastructure, it certainly does not need to be worried. He really hopes that the transfer and development of IKN in East Kalimantan so that it can be realized immediately so that it becomes evidence that the central government is serious about this IKN.
Meanwhile, the other resource persons who were present at this occasion, Mr. Ir. Junaidi as the Head of the National Road Implementation Center in the East Kalimantan region said that the length of the national road in East Kalimantan handled was around 1,710 km (the worst conditions were in the West Kutai region) and of course really needed a large budget to handle and construction. Before the decision to move the IKN, the allocation of development funds and road handling in East Kalimantan was felt to be very minimal. But then after the stipulation of IKN in East Kalimantan, the changes can be felt that currently a budget has been allocated for 14 multiyears contract packages. This shows that IKN is a gift for East Kalimantan, especially in road construction.
Continuing this dialogue session, Mr. Dana Adikusuma, ST, M.Sc as Secretary of the Socio Engineering Nusantara Forum conveyed the need to emphasize that "IKN was not built in Kalimantan, but the IKN built Kalimantan". We also help to prepare skilled human resources in the field of construction at the village level to welcome the IKN. IKN is also felt as a blessing, especially for East Kalimantan. And it must also be realized that development does require a large budget, but this is certainly intended for social justice that will be felt by the whole community (present and future).
In line with the delivery of several other speakers, Mr. Aji Muhammad Fitra Firnanda, ST, MM as the Head of the East Kalimantan Province PUPR Office also said that road problems in East Kalimantan were greatly influenced by the insufficient budget availability. With the existence of IKN we must be sure the central government will focus on helping to improve the quality of road infrastructure in East Kalimantan.
in line with all the speakers present, Mr. Dr. Irwan, S.IP, MP as a member of the House of Representatives Commission V that the existence of IKN in East Kalimantan can be described as "When the policy approaches, justice will approach". Pak Irwan gave a note that what we have to do together is to remind the central government that the IKN development fund must remain simultaneous and not to disrupt the infrastructure budget owned by East Kalimantan.
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