
Thursday, 10 February 2022



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East Kalimantan KPJU Research Dissemination

Tuesday, 08/08/2022, Kasubid. Trade Industry, Investment and Tourism Cooperative Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan, H. Dany Fachriza, ST attending the Dissemination Agenda of the Research Results of Commodities/Products/Types of Business (KPJU) of UMKM East Kalimantan Province in 2021.

On the agenda, Berka Semi Strategika as the resource person said that the research of the development of commodities/products/types of superior businesses of MSMEs in 2021 in East Kalimantan Province was carried out with the aim of:

  • know and understand the regional profile; MSME profile; Government policies related to the development of MSMEs; and the role of banking in the development of MSMEs;
  • provides information about superior KPJU that needs priority to be developed;
  • provide information and problems arising from each of the leading sectoral leading KPJU in each district/city;
  • Provide information about the Potential CDJU MSME;
  • Give policy recommendations to the Regional Government and Provincial Government in the development of the MSME leading KPJU;
  • 5 Leading Corruption KPJU MSME Per-Main Sector in East Kalimantan, namely: Processing Industry; Agriculture; Trading; Fisheries and Forestry Management & Forestry;

  • There are 3 Disadvantaged Region Development Strategies 2020-2024 Ministry of PPN-Bappenas;
  • Acceleration of Regional Development The Growth Corridor Approach based on the excellence of the region and the equity corridor with the development of the buffer area (hinterland); Fulfillment of Basic Rights (SDGs);
  • Affirmative Development, District Priority Location Border/Outermost Islands;
  • Development of Integrated Villages; Developing Commodities/Rural Products and Rural Areas
  • Experience in the Pandemic period shows the mission of spurring digitalization to be very important to encourage MSMEs to move up the class. Pandemi Covid-19 accelerates the shift in UMKM business activities from offline to online and the use of digital technology. The number of MSMEs connected to digital platforms increased 105% to 16.4 million MSMEs.



    #Digitalization of the YAMKM