
Thursday, 10 November 2022



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Public Discussion Increasing the distribution of quality education formulates the consensus of the government, schools

Wednesday, 09/11/2022 Young Expert Planner Sub Coordinator of Bappeda Human Resources Development Prov. Kaltim; Said Aboe Hanifah, S. Sos attended a public discussion agenda with the theme "Improvement of Quality Education: Formulating the consensus of the Government, Schools & Teachers in East Kalimantan Province."


In the discussion focused on innovation for the expansion of quality education at the elementary and junior high school levels which included innovations given by teachers, for example Kukar Smart Idaman which is a intelligent kukar combination (Live Streaming Learning through Youtube) and Kukar Smart (making video of learning, developing effective teaching methods, development of training questions and tests with the principles of HOTS, LKPD development and dissemination of practices), and disseminated in the level of SD and SMP. This program is also supported by the Department of Education and the Government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency.


While the innovation proposed by the principal is to apply character -based education that is tailored to the social background of students (for example: motivating students to go to school by facilitating the learning process of students who are threatened with dropping out of school such as conducting home visits; provide rewards when there are positive changes to students); Change the teacher's mind-set to see the background of students & positive prejudice; Moving students' parents to support learning in schools; Provision of Pojo-Pojok Reading to increase literacy; Initiative in collaboration with various non-profit companies & institutions as development partners; Supervision initiative with parents and the community through the study hours program at night; Use of information and digital technology and form a sub -district zone -based teacher community.


The innovations held by the Supervisor and Education Office are programs that can increase teacher and student motivation and support in the form of regulation. Optimizing cooperation with development partners and company CSR programs; and other innovations.


Efforts to distribute quality education in East Kalimantan with geographical with regional contours are dominated by mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and poor road conditions, especially in 3T areas. The qualifications of PTT teachers who are inspiring to become P3K teachers are not in accordance with national standards, even though the teaching experience has been many and the burden of the P3K teacher's honorarium budget. As well as digital infrastructure that has access to electricity and internet that are not evenly distributed and lack of availability of devices supporting the teaching and learning process.


#Improversing of SDMPenden EducationKaltim

#inovation Learning of quality
