DPRD proposes government programs to encourage more equitable development
Deputy Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD Mr. Ir. H. Seno Aji M.Si expressed the expectation of the community to obtain government programs to encourage more equitable development. This was conveyed at the time of delivering the main thoughts of the DPRD in the 2024 RKPD Musrenbang at Odah Etam, the East Kalimantan Governor's Office.
Mr. Seno also appreciated the provincial government that succeeded in increasing the APBD by 17.5T, according to him it became our enthusiasm to continue to work serving the people.
he also said that his party hopes that the provincial government continues to increase financial assistance to the district/city government and facilitate the procedure for proposal by changing the regulation 49 of 2020 Article 5 where the amount of financial assistance is at least 2.5m.
In the context of infrastructure and basic connectivity of connectivity has not been fully distributed and integrated, such as connectivity in the middle region that has not been fully integrated into an obstacle in encouraging economic development and basic service provision.
continued he conveyed the condition of the national road which was considered inappropriate as we felt the condition of the Samarinda-West Kutai road which made it difficult for the mobilization of goods and humans that had an impact on inflation.
related to the East Kalimantan DPRD agricultural land believes that the agricultural sector in the broad sense needs to be encouraged to be developed in an integrated manner. Both fertilizer constraints, lack of agricultural infrastructure, mechanization of agricultural equipment that needs to be found solutions and sources of funding. Mainly East Kalimantan as a strategic partner of IKN must be encouraged to develop more productive agricultural and food crop potential to meet food needs.
Finally Mr. Seno on behalf of the DPRD advised that the 2024 elections would be addressed, the DPRD hoped that the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and all elements of society to support the implementation of the election and maintain political stability so that the investment climate and economic growth remain conducive.
Then the delivery of more detailed points of thought was delivered symbolically to the Governor of East Kalimantan.
#Government Programs encourage the development of SECARALUAS