Paser Regency RPJMD RPJMD RANPERDA Evaluation in 2021-2026
Friday, August 2021. Evaluation of the Paser Regency RPJMD Ranperda
according to the mandate of Permendagri 86 of 2017 the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan carried out the process of evaluating the draft Regional Regulation of Paser in 2021-2026 virtually through the Zoom Meeting.
This activity was opened by the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM at the same time gave direction, and was attended by the Bappeda Planning Division of East Kalimantan Province, Bappeda Kabpan Kutai Kartanegra Regency, Regional Apparatus of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Paser Regency Government Scope.
Based on Permendagri 86 of 2017 This evaluation is carried out to test the compliance with the Kabunet/City RPJPD, the Provincial RPJMD, the City Regency RTRW and the RPJMN, the Public Interest or the Provisions of Legislation.
In his direction the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM said the output of this evaluation was a Decree of the Governor of East Kalimantan regarding the results of the evaluation of the Paser Regency RPJMD Ranperda as a refinement material.
In this evaluation there are several inputs in the fields of infrastructure, education, tourism, and others that are conveyed in writing.
The results of the recommendations from the evaluation of this regional regulation will be officially submitted in the form of the East Kalimantan Provincial Governor's letter and become an input for the Paser Regency Government in the determination of the Paser Regency RPJMD in 2021-2026.