Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Samarinda, (4/2/2019) . Kutai Barat Regency was facilitated by the East Kalimantan Province Regional Development Planning Agency to expose the strategic activities of the West Kutai Regional Infrastructure Development. Located in the Propeda meeting room, the activity was opened by the Head of the Bappeda Regional Infrastructure Division of East Kalimantan Province Yusliando, ST
On this occasion exposed was delivered directly by the Deputy Regent of West Kutai H. Edyanto Arkan, SE.
Edy mentioned several challenges in the development of West Kutai Regency Regional Infrastructure including; 1) connectivity roads between villages, sub -districts, and economic activity centers in a new condition of 47.87%; 2) a large area and distance between villages and sub -districts that require very high infrastructure financing; 3) Decreased fiscal capacity for development.
Edy said there were 6 (six) proposed infrastructure needs of the strategic area to support the economic development of the West Kutai Regency, first the construction of the Aji Tulur Network Bridge; Second , Remaintan Jalan Tebisaq - Mount Bayan - Muara Pahu - Interest; Third , Improved Kampung Sakaq Tada - Muara Jawaq - Abit; Fourth , Improvement of Muara Tokong Poros Road - Ironq; fifth , the improvement of the road is Bilem-Intu Lingau-Merang; Sixth , Simpang Pering Taliq - Lemper - Derraya - Gerunggung - Tanjung Soke.
Edy explained that from the overall infrastructure proposal if built well can provide great benefits for increasing economic and social growth for the community and supporting investment both in the plantation, agriculture and fisheries sectors, especially in regions that have potential for plantation, agriculture and fisheries.
For example, Edy said regarding the construction of the Aji Tulur Tulur Bangkatan bridge, the ATJ Bridge could open connectivity to the national road (Jalan Barong Tongkok - Mentiwan - the boundary of Kutai Kartanegara Regency), also as a support for access to the state border (Mahkam Ulu Regency), The ATJ bridge can also shorten the distance to the Capital City of East Kalimantan with a distance of ± 1000 km from the existing road space, can provide great benefits to the economy and social for the people of West Kutai Regency and its surroundings, as well as increasing economic growth and supporting investment in the plantation sector.
On a national scale there are several activities on the national road section (roads to the provincial national and strategic strategic area) such as, 1) maintenance of the Rehabilitation of Major Simpang Gusiq - Simpang Blusush; 2) Maintenance of Minor Rehabilitation Simpang Blusuh - Simpang 3 Damai - Barong Tongkok - Mentiwan (Sendawar); 3) Preservation of Reconstruction of the Busush Simpang - Simpang 3 Damai -Barong Tongkok - Mentiwan (Sendawar); 4) Preservation of the reconstruction of the blusuh intersection - the boundary of the province of Central Kalimantan.
Edy hopes that there will be assistance from the central government through the Provincial APBN and Bankeu given the limited budget of the West Kutai Regency Government to meet the needs of infrastructure development in the context of regional equality. According to him so far the budget of the Special Allocation Fund and the General Allocation Fund from the Central Government for infrastructure development is still very small. (ft)