Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Expose/Report Presentation Between Planning Consultant Feasibility Study Street Sotek - Bongan
Samarinda, (09/11/2020) . Kassubid. Dedy Pudja Wardana's Award & Transportation Infrastructure, ST participated in the Expose/Report Presentation between the FEASIBILITY STUDY CONSULTANTS SOTEK - BONGAN Jalan Bongan Section at the Bina Marga Meeting Room Building B Floor 2 Floor Office of PUPR & Pera Province of East Kalimantan Province.
This activity was led by the Head of Planning of the PUPR & Pera Department of East Kalimantan Province and was attended by the Regional Secretariat Development Administration Bureau, Head of Road and Bridge Planning Head of PUPR & PERA Prov. Kaltim, Head of Head of PUPR & Pera Prov. Kaltim, PPTK Bridge Development Planning, PPTK Inspection Road and Bridge Conditions, Core Activity Team in the Field of Bina Marga, and PT. Hanata.
This activity aims to get a feasibility study of the sotek-bangan road along with basic design and row plan Sotek-bongs that can later be used in technical planning and construction of the Sotek-Bangan road section.
delivered by Dedy the concept of the Sotek-Bongan road network that plays an important role in the construction of the Sotek-Bongan road section which functions as a primary collector road refers to the technical requirements of the PU Permen PU No. 19 of 2011, Sotek - Bongan Road section for the future is a road with a highway category, which is a 4 -way 2 -way lane (4/2 t).
It is expected that the output resulting from this activity is the compilation of feasibility study, basic design and row plan for the Sotek-Bongan road section.
(Humasbapandalaltim/FAT/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)