Facilitation of East Kutai Regency, Bontang and Samarinda continued the series of Facilitation Agenda of the Ranperkada regarding Changes in Regency and City RKPD in East Kalimantan in 2022
In order to provide input and maintain the consistency of planning documents and budget documents, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan conducted a facilitation of the Draft Regional Regulation of the RKPD Amendment in 2022 East Kutai Regency, Bontang City, and Samarinda City, Tuesday (07/26/2022).
Located in the Regency/City Poldas Meeting Room was held in a different session of Bontang City at 10:00 WITA, East Kutai Regency at 2:00 pm, and Samarinda City at 16.00 WITA.
Referring to Permendagri 86 of 2017 RKPD changes can be done if based on the results of the evaluation of its implementation in the current year shows a discrepancy with development.
Some things that need to be a concern in the preparation of RKPD changes, namely RKPD changes remain integrated with SIPD, considering the fairness/feasibility of budgeting, consistency of changes in targets and time of implementation of sub-activities, compliance with laws and regulations, considering the time to determine the change of RKPD with the changes in APBD TA 202 budget for the preparation of RPD 2024-2026.
The results of this facilitation are continued in the Governor's Letter through the Head of Bappeda as a material for refinement of the draft of the Case on Changes in RKPD 2022 Regency/City.
#baped mutiled
#Facility in the Regency of 2022 Regency
#Kutaitaitimur Regency