Facilitating Final Draft RKPD East Kalimantan Province in 2022
Samarinda, June 16, 2021, 11.00 WITA . In order to follow up on the Mandate of Permendagri Number 86 of 2017 and Permendagri Number 17 of 2021, the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs held a Final Draft Facilitation of the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province online (Vitual). East Kalimantan Province Bappeda consisting of the Head, Secretary, and all Heads/Head of Subdivision were present in the implementation of the activity together with the Regional Apparatus of the Scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan (a total of 100 participants).
This facilitation activity has several objectives, first, seeing the consistency and target program in the 2022 RKPD with the RPJMD of the implementation year; Second, see the planning characteristics of the recapitulation of the number of programs/ activities/ sub -activities and the RKPD ceiling in 2022; Third, see the support of activity output and outcome programs with the achievement of the target indicators of the performance of regional government affairs; and fourth, see the support of RKPD programs and activities in 2022 of national priorities or national priority programs in 2022.
This RKPD draft contains three interests, namely the interests of the central, the interests of the regional head related to the achievement of the vision and mission, as well as the interests of the DPRD that concerns budgeting.
The results of this facilitation will then be input for the improvement of the final design of the 2022 RKPD which will be forwarded to the next stage, namely the determination of the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2022.
(Humasbappeda/Fat) .