FGD 3 Preparation and Determination of the Samboja Reservoir Border. Kukar
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Samboja Reservoir is in the Tahura Bukit Soeharto protected area, land use around the reservoir in the form of shrubs, mining, and settlements. So, in its management and utilization requires a form of cooperation contained in Permenhut No. P.85/Menhut-II/2014 concerning Procedures for Cooperation in the Implementation of Nature Reserve Areas and Nature Conservation Areas and Permenlhk No. P.44/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM1/6/2017 concerning Amendments to Previous Rules
The consultant team will identify the management and use of the Samboja Reservoir by referring to the RTRWP document, RTRW Kab. Kukar, as well as the design of RDTR & PZ Kec. Samboja
will be further coordinated to the Ministry of Forestry & Environment related to land ownership, borrowing permit for forest areas, as well as activities around the Samboja Reservoir.