Wednesday, 02 December 2020
FGD and Public Consultation on the Revised Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda, (10/20/2020). FGD and Public Consultation Revised Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of East Kalimantan Province was opened by the Head of the Infrastructure and Natural Resources Bureau of the Regional Secretariat Prov. Kaltim Mrs. Ir. Hj. Lisa Hasliana, M. Si. , followed by exposure by a consultant as the drafting team.
This activity was attended by Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Ministry of ATR/BPN of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Spatial Planning, ATR Regional Office? BPN East Kalimantan Province, Forest Strengthening Center IV Region IV Province of Kalimantan Province East, Infrastructure and Natural Resources Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province, East Kalimantan Province PUPR and PERA Office, Provincial Forestry Service East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Office, Energy and Mineral Resources Office of East Kalimantan Province, Kodam VI/Mulawarman.
This East Kalimantan Provincial RTRW revision activity is focused on discussing the purpose of spatial planning and draft of the East Kalimantan Provincial Spatial Plan. Was delivered by Plt. Head of Ibnu Abbas Regional Infrastructure Division The purpose of East Kalimantan Province Spatial Planning in the Regional Regulation on East Kalimantan RTRWP No.1 of 2016 is "Creating Provincial Space that Supports the Green Economic Growth that is just and sustainable based on agro -industry and environmentally friendly energy." Then for the proposed purpose of the East Kalimantan RTRWP revision, "realizing East Kalimantan as a progress and fair province based on the plantation, mining and industrial sectors oriented to environmental balance."
(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)