Wednesday, 18 January 2023
FGD and Socialization of the Cinta Statistics Village Program in East Kalimantan for the Scope of Development Partners
Tuesday (01/17/2023). Young Expert Planner Sub Coordinator of Data and Information Analysis of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Mr. M. Hamsani ST, M.Si was present at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Program Socialization of the Cinta Statistics Village Program in East Kalimantan Province to support the strengthening of village governance in the context of the forest area protection outside the forest area in East Kalimantan.
At the event held at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda, Mr. M. Hamsani said that the use of forest areas outside the forest area in East Kalimantan is certainly very necessary for the community in a region, because good utilization will have a positive impact, especially in terms of financial which has an impact on the welfare of the community. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan also welcomed the existence of activities aimed at increasing empowerment at the village level such as the Cinta Statistics Village Program.
Also present at this event in the Regional Kalimantan Forest Facilitator (KALFOR) Project, Mr. Panthom Priyandoko who said that currently his party was accompanying seven villages in East Kutai, to build the strengthening of forest management planning in saving and protecting the forest (outside the forest area) along with ecosystem services and diversity of high-value diversity.
Meanwhile, representatives from East Kalimantan BPS Mr. Maibu Barwis Sugiharto said there were 262 villages/kelurahan located on the forest and 57 villages/kelurahan in the forest in East Kalimantan. The village/kelurahan area in the forest area has high poverty potential so that more optimal efforts and attention are needed, especially in the empowerment of these villages so that later poverty alleviation in East Kalimantan can be successful.
#Protector of AalberhutanKaltim