Thursday, 02 November 2023
FGD II Development phasing and alternative financing of SPAM IKN in 2025-2045 in the preparation of the SPAM Capital City Master Plan
South Tangerang (01/11/2023), Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Sector of the Regional Infrastructure Attending FGD II Development and Alternative Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) For the 2025-2045 projections held at the BSD City Mercure Hotel through the Zoom Meeting.
This FGD is a phase 2 FGD where the first FGD was held on 12-13 September. This meeting was held as an effort to support the arrangement of the Capital City (IKN) region to a green and sustainable city. One of them, through the supply of drinking water oriented to environmental protection and sustainability which is one of the main basic infrastructure.
In an effort to provide reliable spam infrastructure in the IKN, a drinking water planning document is needed based on Presidential Regulation No.63 of 2022. The SPAM parent (Rispam) IKN based on the availability of raw water and projection of drinking water needs as a guideline for the control of drinking water in the IKN area, especially in the future.
The purpose of the implementation of this FGD includes, to obtain data and information related to the provision of drinking water in the preparation of the RISPAM IKN, submit a report related to the process of preparing the RISPAM document and agreeing on the data used in the preparation of RISPAM documents Especially related to design criteria, service (demand analysis) and database.
in the RISPAM document containing a comprehensive planning of sustainable, efficient and quality drinking water supply in the IKN region by considering the potential needs of raw water sources, risk analysis, and alternative systems.
Danang Hadisuryo, as a team of experts who became one of the speakers in FGD II, stated that the projection of drinking water needs in 2045 was estimated to be 5,720L/sec. The Sepaku Sungai Intake Dam, Batu Lepek and Selamayu are predicted to meet the needs of drinking water in IKN until 2045. However, the follow -up of the results of the discussion in FGD II agreed that Selamayu Dam which was not recommended to be built because it was in a conservation area.
In addition, to overcome gaps in future water needs, other alternative sources of raw water originated from rainwater, sea water treatment through sea water reverse osmosis (Swro) and recycling wastewater.
Furthermore, a discussion with the Authority Agency will be carried out as the SPAM IKN organizer related to data agreement as outlined into the RISPAM IKN and a meeting with the East Kalimantan Province Public Works Office, Public Works Department, Kab. Penajam Paser Utara, Public Works Office Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, Perumda Danumtaka, and PDAM Tirta Mahakam to discuss further about the calculation of water balance for IKN, the condition of the implementation of existing SPAM, and the plan to hold SPAM for each district or city which is included in the IKN area.
#fgdiipedakananganangananganTealThantahantahaspamikntahtah 2025 SAMPAI2023